Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Albert Einstien essays

Albert Einstien essays There are a very large amount of smart and genius like people spread around the world. Although very smart they some times do not use their knowledge to their ability. Albert Einstein was an individual who many consider a genius, but many also question if he used that knowledge to the fullest of his ability, for example the creation of the atomic bomb was devastating when many found the power and destruction it caused. Although Einstein is dead many consider him a role- model and use his approach in the fields of science in an everyday manner. Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on March 14, 1874. Before his first birthday, his family had moved to Munich where Alberts father, Hermann Einstein, and uncle set up a small electro-chemical business. Sources specify that Albert and his family had an extremely well developed relationship. Alberts mother, Pauline Einstein, had a very strong love for music and literature, and it was her who introduced and convinced Albert to play the Violin in which he found much joy and relaxation. Maja, Alberts younger sister had a strong bond with Albert and were often found playing with each other. As a child Einstein often was very curious, his favorite toy was a compass of his father, and he was often amazed by his uncles explanation of Algebra. Although Albert had a sense of curiosity he was considered slow mainly because his lack of speed to learn the German language fluently which lead many of Alberts teacher to classify him as a slow individual, many times called disabled. At ten Albert Einsteins education began at Luitpold Gymnasium where he found it very hard to adapt to the schools disciplinary policy, Alberts disapproval of the school method of teaching then made Albert look as if he was a misfit and a rebel. After Alberts lack of interest in an organized school Einstein then turned to educating himself, first in the fields of ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Cundo es posible trabajar con visa F-1 de estudiante

Cundo es posible trabajar con visa F-1 de estudiante Estudiar en los Estados Unidos es caro, por eso para los estudiantes internacionales con una visa F-1 es importante saber quà © opciones tienen para trabajar legalmente y asà ­ sufragar parte de sus gastos. En este artà ­culo, adems de explicar los requisitos para las 4 opciones de trabajo se hace referencia a otras opciones para obtener ayuda econà ³mica. Y al final se mencionan opciones migratorias que permiten quedarse al finalizar los estudios y tambià ©n quà © error no se debe hacer ya que puede salir muy caro. Trabajar con una visa F-1 de estudiante dentro del campus La primera opcià ³n para trabajar se presenta en el mismo lugar donde se est estudiando. Y es que los  estudiantes con una F-1 que està ©n estudiando a tiempo completo pueden trabajar siguiendo estas reglas: Tiempo:  trabajar un mximo de 20 horas semanales, excepto en vacaciones que pueden trabajar a tiempo completo Lugar: en campus significa eso pero tambià ©n admite que sea fuera, siempre y cuando el empleador sea una institucià ³n que tiene una relacià ³n de afiliacià ³n con la universidad o college, seminario, conservatorio, en el que el estudiante cursa sus estudios. Por ejemplo, otra universidad o un laboratorio. Tipo: el trabajo que se desempeà ±a tiene que estar relacionado de algà ºn modo con servicio a estudiantes. Por ejemplo, trabajo en bibliotecas, librerà ­as, etc. Permiso: tiene que contarse con la autorizacià ³n previa del Oficial Designado en la Escuela (DSO, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Cundo: comenzarse a trabajar hasta 30 dà ­as antes de comenzar el programa acadà ©mico. Pero una vez que à ©ste finaliza, asà ­ debe ocurrir con el empleo. La excepcià ³n son los casos en los que se cambia de programa.   Trabajar fuera del campus con una visa F-1 por necesidad econà ³mica En este caso es necesario cumplir con un mayor nà ºmero de requerimientos, como: Tener un estatus vlido de estudianteEstar cursando a tiempo completoLlevar al menos un aà ±o acadà ©mico completo con la visa F-1 Necesidad econà ³mica urgente en casos como pà ©rdida sin culpa de puesto de empleo en el campus, cambios en la cotizacià ³n de la divisa del paà ­s del estudiante, facturas mà ©dicas, pà ©rdida de la ayuda financiera u otros gastos inesperados. Si se da alguno de esos casos y no es posible encontrar empleo dentro del campus, el estudiante debe dirigirse al Oficial Designado en la Escuela (DSO, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) para que este comunique la situacià ³n a las autoridades migratorias mediante el sistema SEVIS. Asimismo, el DSO proporcionar una certificacià ³n que debe enviarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) junto con la planilla I-765 y el pago de la cuota correspondiente para obtener asà ­ un permiso de trabajo. Es conveniente incluir todo tipo de documentacià ³n que sirva de apoyo a la razà ³n que se alega para solicitar ese permiso, (en inglà ©s. Este es un modelo de carta para certifica la traduccià ³n). Entrenamiento prctico curricular (CPT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) Se trata de prcticas pagadas que tienen que estar relacionadas con el grado que cursa el estudiante. Tienen que estar aprobadas por el DSO.   Pueden ser a tiempo parcial (menos de 20 horas a la semana), o, en à ©poca de vacaciones a tiempo completo (ms de 20 horas semanales). Hay que tener en cuenta que si a lo largo de sus estudios el estudiante completa ms de un aà ±o CPT a tiempo completo, al licenciarse (egresado) no podr disfrutar de un OPT. Entrenamiento prctico opcional (OPT, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) Se puede realizar durante los estudios de licenciatura, maestrà ­a o doctorado o al  finalizar los mismos.  Estas  son las reglas  para la OPT. El permiso de trabajo en este caso tiene una duracià ³n mxima de 1 aà ±os, si bien en ciertos campos relacionados con las Ciencias y la Tecnologà ­a se puede prorrogar hasta los 17 meses. A tener en cuenta cuando se trabaja Si se trabaja, el DSO proporcionar la documentacià ³n necesaria para solicitar una tarjeta del Nà ºmero del Seguro Social. Al trabajar, hay que reportar los ingresos y, en su caso, pagar impuestos. Si se trabaja sin permiso, eso es una violacià ³n migratoria, que puede tener consecuencias muy serias. Caminos para quedarse en USA trabajando al finalizar los estudios universitarios La mayorà ­a de los estudiantes internacionales regresan a sus paà ­ses de origen. Pero un buen nà ºmero se quedan, al menos temporalmente, al lograr obtener una visa de trabajo, generalmente una H-1B para profesionales, siendo muy solicitadas por los profesionales en el sector tecnolà ³gico. Si bien no son las à ºnicas visas de trabajo disponibles. Adems, en el caso de mexicanos, hay que destacar las visas TN para profesionales, que abren puertas sin tener los inconvenientes de cupo mximo de las H-1B que en la mayorà ­a de los casos dejan sin anualmente a miles de candidatos con patrocinador. Asimismo, tambià ©n es posible conseguir una tarjeta de residencia (green card) ya que las empresas pueden patrocinar por razà ³n de trabajo. Estas son las empresas que ms trabajadores esponsorizan. Finalmente, tambià ©n es posible quedarse en Estados Unidos en casos de ajuste de estatus por matrimonio o similares. Cà ³mo conseguir dinero para pagar por los estudios en Estados Unidos El camino ms transitado por los estudiantes es el de buscar y obtener becas. Estas pueden ser de instituciones o empresas del paà ­s de cada uno o tambià ©n de Estados Unidos, ya que hay muchas de ellas que no excluyen a los estudiantes internacionales, por ejemplo, à ©stas  de universidades de à ©lite. Casi todas las universidades tienen sus propios paquetes y sus reglas de cunto y a quià ©n pueden becar. Y tambià ©n existen instituciones que brindan becas por temas, dependiendo de quà © se estudia o quà © proyecto o trabajo se presenta. Tambià ©n existe la posibilidad de pedir crà ©ditos para estudiante y, finalmente, tambià ©n se puede considerar la posibilidad de realizar parte de los estudios universitarios en community colleges, que resultan ms asequibles, entre otra ventajas que brindan. Quà © errores deben evitar los estudiantes internacionales En primer lugar, no olvidar que trabajar sin permiso es una violacià ³n migratoria. Si hay una denuncia que puede ser anà ³nima o por cualquier otra razà ³n Inmigracià ³n se entera las consecuencias van a ser graves. Y en segundo lugar, recordar que los estudiantes internacionales necesitan una visa para estudiar a tiempo completo. Es cierto que las instituciones educativas admiten a indocumentados. Pero de lo que se trata es de precisamente no acabar en esa categorà ­a migratoria por no utilizar la visa correcta. Esto es relativamente frecuente en los casos de estudiantes internacionales que cursan la high school en Estados Unidos y por errores de este tipo acaban sin visa ellos y sus padres. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Systems Modelling Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Systems Modelling - Lab Report Example MATLAB inbuilt function ss() is then called and given the matrices as input arguments so as to generate the state space model. The ss() function takes state matrices as inputs and generates the state space model. The program begins with the definition of variables to be used i.e. mass, spring constant and the damping coefficient. Next, the transfer function is defined and it poles computed. The function pole() returns a pair of poles that have real and complex parts. To establish stability, the sign of the real parts are checked. Negative real part means the pole is in the LHS of the S-Plane thus implying that the system is stable. Otherwise the system will be unstable if poles have positive real parts. The program then illustrates the response of the system to initial conditions. Step input could also be used to demonstrate response of the system. From Figure 1.2 the conjugate pair has negative real parts. According to our criterion, the system is stable. The 2 poles are on the left hand side of the S-Plane indicating that the system is stable. Figure 1.3 demonstrates how the MSD system responds to initial condition of x0 = [1, 0]. From the graph it can be seen that the system undergoes a transient state and attains steady state as time increases. The code above has been modified in order to allow stability of the system to be determined for different values of gain. Gain is usually multiplied by the numerator of the transfer function, therefore the program will prompt the user to enter a value for the gain then the program computes the stability. First the constants are defined. The user is then prompted to enter the gain for the system which forms the numerator of the transfer function. The denominator is defined as a vector containing mass, spring and dumping constants. The transfer function is then determined and its poles computed. The sign of the poles is checked and stability determined. When run with 8 as the gain, the system shows it is stable.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The importance of keeping customers for as long as possible, in what Essay - 1

The importance of keeping customers for as long as possible, in what is seen often as a short-term approach to sales - Essay Example Enterprises have early understood the difficulty in acquiring customers and also the value of maintaining good relationship with customer. Modern management techniques and use of IT though innovative means have defined added new dimensions to managing customer relationships. Now, for many enterprises empowering the customer has become a way of life, which in turn has led to shift in power with their customer relationships (Kotler et al., 2009). 2. Concept and definition Drotskie (2009) quoted Seybold (2002) and explained â€Å"customer relationship management (CRM) means determining who your customers are and building relationship with them†, and Drotskie adds further that it involves understanding each and every customer so as to develop profiles of their individual needs. Thus CRM enables the enterprise to understand the customer very closely so that its services can be tailor-made to meet each individual requirement (Zeithaml & Bitner, 2003; cited by Drotskie, 2009, p. 15). Kotler et al. (2009) also support these definitions and stated that customer relation management as the â€Å"process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer ‘touch points’ to maximise customer loyalty. ... ocuses to increase revenue, profits, and shareholder value through targeted marketing activity such as developing, maintaining, and enhancing successful-customer relationships† (Bolton & Tarasi, 2006). 3. Principles of customer relationship marketing As Kotler et al. (2009) suggest, one of the important â€Å"goals of marketing is to develop deep, enduring relationships with people and organisations that could directly or indirectly affect the success of the firm’s marketing activities. Relationship marketing aims to build mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key constituents in order to earn and learn and retain their business† (Kotler et al., 2009, p.22). Relationship marketing has four dimensions (1) customers, (2) employees, (3) marketing partners (channels, suppliers, distributors, dealers, agencies), and (4) members of the financial community (shareholders, investors, analysis) and its outcome is the marketing network, a unique asset for the comp any. Figure 1: The four dimensions of relationship marketing Adapted from source: Kotler et al. (2209) Of these dimensions, the customer relationship marketing is most significant and more and more companies are now designing separate offers, services and messages to individual customers, that they gather based on information about past transactions, demographics, psychographics, and media distribution preferences (Kotler et al., 2009). Their objective is to build customer loyalty, by focus on the most profitable customers, products, and channels and achieve growth and capture larger share of customer’s pocket. This they undertake by estimating individual customer lifetime value and design their market offerings and prices, which would enable them not to make instant profit, but to make a profit over the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Compare the Love Language Used in Quickdraw Essay Example for Free

Compare the Love Language Used in Quickdraw Essay Quickdraw is a poem about the end and break down of a relationship. Specifically an argument between the speaker and their other half and the feelings felt by the speaker in the poem. It has many similarities and differences with In Paris with You a poem about a very negative relationship with the speaker who is desperately in love with someone who is just using them. The poem uses a play on words and anytime the words Paris and love are mentioned you have to switch them, so Paris means love and love means Paris. These poems have similarities and difference and these can be explored through language techniques and key themes. Both Quickdraw and In Paris with You explore negative sides to a relationship. In Quickdraw the negative side is the pain of the break up at the ending of the relationship â€Å"hear me groan You’ve wounded me† this shows the pain the speaker is going through during the breakdown and end of their relationship. In In Paris with you they explore a different side of a negative relationship, the love the speaker feels for someone and the way they are being used by that person â€Å"Yes I’m angry at the way I’ve been bamboozled I’m in Paris with you† this shows that although the speaker is angry at being used, she is still in love with them (I’m in Paris = I’m in love ). In In Paris with You the speaker expresses their love for the other person â€Å"I’m in Paris with You† (meaning â€Å"I’m in love with You) is repeated throughout the poem. But they also have differences such as, some other aspects of their structure, some of the themes of the poems. In Paris with You and Quickdraw both explore negative relationships, a relationship between a person absolutely besotted over someone who is using them and doesn’t feel anything back for them or the argumentative end to a relationship where both of them are hurling insults at the other and breaking u their relationship.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Is America Bashing warranted? :: essays research papers

America bashing is not warranted in the world, it is based on loose facts that have been manipulated. America is blamed as the source of all the world’s problems because it is seen as the most prominent country. Through the analysis of two works- Richard Neville’s Oh Say, Can’t You See? and Chris Middencorp’s God Diss America- this paper will prove this to be the case. Richard Neville begins his argument for America bashing by citing George W. Bush’s decision to renounce the Kyoto treaty as an example of the poor decision making the American government has made that hurts not only itself, but the entire world. In his article Neville seeks to denounce several myths that America still possesses. He starts by arguing against the myth that America is the land of the free. He states that America in actuality has the highest percentage of its citizens imprisoned over any other country. In fact, a quarter of the world’s prisoners are incarcerated in the United States. He goes on to diminish the idea that happiness is honored. He argues that if this is true, how can the country exhibit one of the highest rates of clinical depression. He cites Eli Lilly as saying â€Å"Prozac changed everything, and that’s just the beginning? America promotes global expansion and human rights is his next target. Neville points out that the United State s spurned vital treaties on war crimes, as well as land mines, the prohibition of juvenile executions, arms controls, test bans and the Rights of Children. Neville then goes on to discuss the myth that America is the land of the free. If this is true, Neville argues, then it is unjust that the richest one percent of the population have more wealth then the lowest ninety percent, the largest inequality in the world. He points out that over forty million Americans are without health insurance, a number which increases every year. While these facts do not shed a kind light on America, Neville does point out some of its brighter aspects. Neville goes on to discuss some of the good and admittedly â€Å"irresistible?parts of American culture. Austin Powers, jazz, and the first amendment are among these. He even admits to enjoying McDonald’s on occasion although he is quick to assert that they are destroying the world’s crop varieties by making every country they have a store in grow their standard potato- Idaho Russer.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Record Labels

HOME FREE DRUM BREAKS EQUIPMENT-REVIEWS RECORD-LABEL-CONTACTS HIP-HOP-INSTRUMENTALS ABOUT RECORD LABEL CONTACTS 143 Records 530 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 101 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone: 310-899-0143 Fax: 310-899-0133 A&M Records 1416 North Lebrea Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028 Aftermath Records 2220 Colorado Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 310-865-7642 Fax:310-865-7068 American Recordings 3500 West Olive Ave. Suite 1550 Burbank, CA 91505 Capital Records A&R Dept 1750 North Vine & Hollywood Hollywood, CA 90028 Phone: 323-462-6552 Cash Money Records P. O. Box 547 St. Rose, LA 70087 Chrysalis Music Valerie L. Patton 500 Melrose Ave. , Suite 207 Los Angeles, CA 90069-5145 Phone: 310-967-0303 Fax: 310-652-2024 Geffen Record Co. 9130 Sunset Blvd. , Suite 1230 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Gramophone P. O. Box 910 Beverly Hills, CA 90213 Interscope Records 10900 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 1230 Los Angeles, CA 90024 Maverick Music Co. 8000 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 MCA Records 70 Universal City P laza[/B] University, CA 91608 Motown Records 5750 Wilshite Blvd. , Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Quincy Jones Music 3800 Barham Blvd 503 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Phone: 323-882-1337 Fax: 323-874-4236 Reprise Records 3300 Warner Blvd.Burbank, CA 91510 Revolution Records 8900 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Rhino Entertainment 10635 Santa Monica Blvd. , 2nd floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Virgin Records 338 N. Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Warner Bros. Records 3300 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505 Windham Hill Records 75 Willow Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 NEW YORK RECORD LABEL CONTACTS Angel/Virgin Classics Records 810 Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10019 Arista Records 6 W. 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Atlanta Records 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Bad Boy Entertainment 1540 Broadway 30th Floor New York, NY 10036 Blackground Records 9 West 27th St. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-684-1975 Fax: 212-684-1624 Blue Note Records 1290 Sixth Ave. New York, NY 10019 BMG/RCA Records 1540 Broadway, 9th floor New York, NY 10036 Columbia Records 550 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 DAS Communications 83 Riverside Dr. New York, NY 10024 Phone: 212-877-0400 Fax: 212-595-0176 East/West Records 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Ebony Son Management c/o Chaka Zulu 1867 7th Ave. , Suite 4C New York, NY 10026 Phone: 917-449-2619 Fax: 212-665-9634 [email  protected] com EMI Music Publishing NY c/o Paul Morgan 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104Phone: 212-492-1200 Fax: 212-492-1865 [email  protected] com Island Records (Polygram) 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 LaFace Records Flent Coleman 6 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Matador Records 676 Broadway New York, NY 10012 Mercury Records 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 Nonesuch Records 590 Fifth Ave. , 16th floor New York, NY 10036 Rockwilder Entertainment Ellis Entertainment 900 South Ave. , Suite 300 Staten Island, NY 10314 Phone: 718-568-3655 Fax: 718-568-3643 [email  protected] com Sire Records 7 5 Reckefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Tommy Boy Records Ian Stemmans 902 Broadway, 13th floorNew York, NY 10010 Phone: 212-777-0281 Trackmasters Entertainment 550 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 Phone: 212-833-7962 Fax: 212-833-4797 TVT Records Rell Lefarg 23 East 45th St. New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212-979-6410 Verve Records 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 Warlock Records, Inc. 126 Fifth Ave. , 2nd floor New York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-206-0800 Fax: 212-206-1949 Zomba / Jive Records Jimmy Mays 137-139 West 25th St. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-727-0016 OTHER U. S. RECORD LABEL CONTACTS ASCAP Moe Rodriquez, Regional Rep P. O. Box 14189 Gainesville, FL 32604 Phone: 352-377-1003 Fax: 352-377-0590 [email  protected] net A Touch of Jazz 444N. Third St. Philadelphia, PA 19123 Phone: 215-928-9192 Fax: 215-928-9487 Cash Money Records P. O. Box 547 St. Rose, LA 70087 Phone: 504-466-5115 Fax: 504-466-7575 Darkchild Entertainment 503 Doughty Rd. Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Phone: 609-652-7906 Fax: 609-407-0596 Flyte Tyme Productions 4100 West 76th St. St. Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 612-897-3901 Fax: 612-897-1942 www. flytetyme. com Freeworld Entertainment 576 A Trabert Ave. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-351-6680 Fax: 404-351-1354 Hardball Records Pablo Casals 350 Lincoln Rd. , Suite 316 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Phone: 305-674-7044Fax: 305-674-7501 Keep Close Entertainment Tony Rudd 2700 SF Charles Rd Bellwood, IL 60104 Phone: 708-701-9491 LaFace Records 3350 Peachtree Rd. , Suite 1500 Atlanta, Ga 30326 Phone: 404-848-8050 Fax: 404-848-8051 PriceWriteProductions PriceOne Luke Records Julian Boothe Miami, FL Phone: 305-532-7696 Mammoth Records 101 B St. Carrboro, NC 27510 Miles Ahead Entertainment Sheila Eldridge 380 Piermont Ave. Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Phone: 201-722-1500 Fax: 201-722-1119 Rap-A-Lot Records P. O. Box 924190 Houston, TX 77292 Phone: 713-335-1600 Rounder Records 1 Camp St. Cambridge, MA 02140 Slip-N-Slide Records Keith Hamilton 9 Miami Gardens Dr. , Suite 128 Miam i, FL 33169 Phone: 305-770-077 So So Def Recordings 685 Lambert Dr. Atlanta, GA 30324 Phone: 404-888-9900 Fax: 404-888-9901 Soundbwoy Entertainment Lancelot 2221 N. E. 164th, Suite 255 North Miami Beach, FL 33160 Phone: 305-769-9700 Fax: 305-769-6990 T-Luv Management 3018 Gary Drive St. Louis, MO 63121 Phone: 314-385-1848 Fax: 314-383-2393 Untouchables Entertainment Group 100 Piermont Rd. Closter, NJ 07624 Phone: 201-767-6924 Fax: 201-784-3879 Warner/Chappell Music Latin Division 763 Collins Ave. , Suite 301 Miami, FL 33139 Phone: 305-534-1010 Fax: 305-534-1082 Wish RecordingsIan Burke PMB 145, 541 10th St. Atlanta, GA 33018 Phone: 404-627-8329 Wright Stuff Records Donna Wright P. O. Box 2600 Windmere, LF 34786 Phone: 407-291-8333 ext 1 Fax: 407-291-6946 Voice: 800-222-6000 wrightstuffmanagement. com Worldwide Entertainment Kevin Wales Atlanta, GA 404-760-0599 Go To TopAdministration Login Copyright  © 2012 HOME FREE DRUM BREAKS EQUIPMENT-REVIEWS RECORD-LABEL-CONTACTS HIP-HOP-INST RUMENTALS ABOUT RECORD LABEL CONTACTS 143 Records 530 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 101 Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone: 310-899-0143 Fax: 310-899-0133 A&M Records 1416 North Lebrea Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028 Aftermath Records 220 Colorado Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90404 Phone: 310-865-7642 Fax:310-865-7068 American Recordings 3500 West Olive Ave. Suite 1550 Burbank, CA 91505 Capital Records A&R Dept 1750 North Vine & Hollywood Hollywood, CA 90028 Phone: 323-462-6552 Cash Money Records P. O. Box 547 St. Rose, LA 70087 Chrysalis Music Valerie L. Patton 8500 Melrose Ave. , Suite 207 Los Angeles, CA 90069-5145 Phone: 310-967-0303 Fax: 310-652-2024 Geffen Record Co. 9130 Sunset Blvd. , Suite 1230 Los Angeles, CA 90069 Gramophone P. O. Box 910 Beverly Hills, CA 90213 Interscope Records 10900 Wilshire Blvd. , Suite 1230 Los Angeles, CA 90024Maverick Music Co. 8000 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90048 MCA Records 70 Universal City Plaza[/B] University, CA 91608 Motown Records 5750 Wilshite Blvd. , Suite 3 00 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Quincy Jones Music 3800 Barham Blvd 503 Los Angeles, CA 90068 Phone: 323-882-1337 Fax: 323-874-4236 Reprise Records 3300 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91510 Revolution Records 8900 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA 90211 Rhino Entertainment 10635 Santa Monica Blvd. , 2nd floor Los Angeles, CA 90025 Virgin Records 338 N. Foothill Rd. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Warner Bros. Records 3300 Warner Blvd. Burbank, CA 91505 Windham Hill Records 5 Willow Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 NEW YORK RECORD LABEL CONTACTS Angel/Virgin Classics Records 810 Seventh Ave. New York, NY 10019 Arista Records 6 W. 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Atlanta Records 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Bad Boy Entertainment 1540 Broadway 30th Floor New York, NY 10036 Blackground Records 49 West 27th St. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-684-1975 Fax: 212-684-1624 Blue Note Records 1290 Sixth Ave. New York, NY 10019 BMG/RCA Records 1540 Broadway, 9th floor New York, NY 10036 Columbia Records 550 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 DAS Communications 83 Riverside Dr. New York, NY 10024Phone: 212-877-0400 Fax: 212-595-0176 East/West Records 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Ebony Son Management c/o Chaka Zulu 1867 7th Ave. , Suite 4C New York, NY 10026 Phone: 917-449-2619 Fax: 212-665-9634 [email  protected] com EMI Music Publishing NY c/o Paul Morgan 1290 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10104 Phone: 212-492-1200 Fax: 212-492-1865 [email  protected] com Island Records (Polygram) 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 LaFace Records Flent Coleman 6 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019 Matador Records 676 Broadway New York, NY 10012 Mercury Records 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 Nonesuch Records 90 Fifth Ave. , 16th floor New York, NY 10036 Rockwilder Entertainment Ellis Entertainment 900 South Ave. , Suite 300 Staten Island, NY 10314 Phone: 718-568-3655 Fax: 718-568-3643 [email  protected] com Sire Records 75 Reckefeller Plaza New York, NY 10019 Tommy Boy Records Ian Stemmans 902 Broadway, 13th floor New York, NY 10010 Phone: 212-777-0281 Trackmasters Entertainment 550 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 Phone: 212-833-7962 Fax: 212-833-4797 TVT Records Rell Lefarg 23 East 45th St. New York, NY 10003 Phone: 212-979-6410 Verve Records 825 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10019 Warlock Records, Inc. 126 Fifth Ave. , 2nd floorNew York, NY 10011 Phone: 212-206-0800 Fax: 212-206-1949 Zomba / Jive Records Jimmy Mays 137-139 West 25th St. New York, NY 10001 Phone: 212-727-0016 OTHER U. S. RECORD LABEL CONTACTS ASCAP Moe Rodriquez, Regional Rep P. O. Box 14189 Gainesville, FL 32604 Phone: 352-377-1003 Fax: 352-377-0590 [email  protected] net A Touch of Jazz 444N. Third St. Philadelphia, PA 19123 Phone: 215-928-9192 Fax: 215-928-9487 Cash Money Records P. O. Box 547 St. Rose, LA 70087 Phone: 504-466-5115 Fax: 504-466-7575 Darkchild Entertainment 503 Doughty Rd. Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Phone: 609-652-7906 Fax: 609-407-0596 Flyte Tyme Productions 100 West 76th St. St. Edina, MN 55435 Phone: 612-897-3901 Fax: 612-897-1942 www. flytetyme. com Freeworld Entertainment 576 A Trabert Ave. NW Atlanta, GA 30309 Phone: 404-351-6680 Fax: 404-351-1354 Hardball Records Pablo Casals 350 Lincoln Rd. , Suite 316 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Phone: 305-674-7044 Fax: 305-674-7501 Keep Close Entertainment Tony Rudd 2700 SF Charles Rd Bellwood, IL 60104 Phone: 708-701-9491 LaFace Records 3350 Peachtree Rd. , Suite 1500 Atlanta, Ga 30326 Phone: 404-848-8050 Fax: 404-848-8051 PriceWriteProductions PriceOne Luke Records Julian Boothe Miami, FL Phone: 305-532-7696 Mammoth Records 101 B St.Carrboro, NC 27510 Miles Ahead Entertainment Sheila Eldridge 380 Piermont Ave. Hillsdale, NJ 07642 Phone: 201-722-1500 Fax: 201-722-1119 Rap-A-Lot Records P. O. Box 924190 Houston, TX 77292 Phone: 713-335-1600 Rounder Records 1 Camp St. Cambridge, MA 02140 Slip-N-Slide Records Keith Hamilton 99 Miami Gardens Dr. , Suite 128 Miami, FL 33169 Phone: 305-770-077 So So Def Recordings 685 Lambert Dr. Atlant a, GA 30324 Phone: 404-888-9900 Fax: 404-888-9901 Soundbwoy Entertainment Lancelot 2221 N. E. 164th, Suite 255 North Miami Beach, FL 33160 Phone: 305-769-9700 Fax: 305-769-6990 T-Luv Management 3018 Gary Drive St.Louis, MO 63121 Phone: 314-385-1848 Fax: 314-383-2393 Untouchables Entertainment Group 100 Piermont Rd. Closter, NJ 07624 Phone: 201-767-6924 Fax: 201-784-3879 Warner/Chappell Music Latin Division 763 Collins Ave. , Suite 301 Miami, FL 33139 Phone: 305-534-1010 Fax: 305-534-1082 Wish Recordings Ian Burke PMB 145, 541 10th St. Atlanta, GA 33018 Phone: 404-627-8329 Wright Stuff Records Donna Wright P. O. Box 2600 Windmere, LF 34786 Phone: 407-291-8333 ext 1 Fax: 407-291-6946 Voice: 800-222-6000 wrightstuffmanagement. com Worldwide Entertainment Kevin Wales Atlanta, GA 404-760-0599 Go To TopAdministration Login Copyright  © 2012

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures Health And Social Care Essay

Chin augmentation, utilizing implants, can significantly alter the implicit in construction of the face. The end is to supply a better overall balance to the facial characteristics and can be performed along with other processs such as a nose job ( nose occupation ) to accomplish this balance. A ground for this, for illustration, can be that a alteration in chin size would amplify or minimise the sensed size of the olfactory organ. Chin implants are to boot used to rectify inborn facial lacks and facial injury. Chin augmentation may affect the usage of difficult implants made from Si or other man-made stuffs, bone or fat from the patient ‘s organic structure, harvested cadaver tissue or other biological implants. Chin augmentation can besides be achieved by pull stringsing the chief bone of the jaw ( mandible ) . A more dramatic consequence is normally achieved with this type of rectification than with implants. This type of augmentation surgery can be performed by an unwritten and maxillofacial sawbones, decorative sawbones, plastic sawbones or an ENT man ( ear, nose and throat doctor ) . Benefits: For those who would wish to alter the visual aspect of a â€Å" weak mentum † can profit from chin augmentation. The same holds true for adult females who are unhappy with an overly â€Å" mannish † expression that a strong, stick outing mentum can show. In this instance, a chin decrease may be the key to a more feminine visual aspect. Types of Augmentation: The type of chin augmentation that will be performed is dependent on the stuff used for the implant or whether use of the bone is cardinal to the process. This is either an augmentation with the usage of an implant or decrease surgery on the bone. Decrease surgery is a process that re-shapes the contour of the bone at the chin country in which the bone tallness and breadth is altered to accommodate the patient ‘s facial profile and to obtain balance of the facial constructions. The sawbones will carry through this by shaving a part of the bone with an osteotomy ( bone cutting ) machine ( hovering proverb ) . A thorough X-Ray appraisal of the patient ‘s facial skeletal construction is needed prior to surgery and this will supply information sing the sum of bone that will necessitate to be removed.A Patient Features: A good campaigner for augmentation is a individual in good physical and mental wellness, with no preexistent medical conditions ( particularly bone upsets ) and who wishes to equilibrate their facial characteristics. They should hold sensible outlooks sing the consequences and the recovery clip, every bit good. This is of import because the concluding consequences may non be apparent for 3-4 months after the surgery. This may do an emotionally unstable patient susceptible to depression. Besides, the patient should non hold been taking Isotretinoin ( AccutaneA ® , which is no longer sold as of 6/25/09 – but the generic drug, Isotretinoin, is still available ) for the last six months or more. Procedures and Materials: Note: patients who are be aftering to undergo chin augmentation are prepared and advised prior to theA scheduled surgery. Patients should avoid the following for 2 – 3 hebdomads prior to surgery ; smoke, intoxicant, steroids, NSAIDs ( Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – like acetylsalicylic acid, isobutylphenyl propionic acid, naproxen, mefenamic acids, etc. ) , herbal tea, herbal medicines, Vitamin E, blood thinning medicines like Lipo-Hepin and CoumadinA ® ( warfarin Na ) , regulated drugs like ValiumA ® ( Valium ) , unwritten preventive pills, diet pills and prohibited drugs like Methedrines. These may detain healing, prolong hemorrhage during surgery and may interact with anaesthesia. It is advised that patients discourse this farther with their sawbones to minimise possible hazard and complications. This holds true with all surgical processs. Chin Implant Materials: Typical types of chin implants include silicone implants ( in different grades of softness ) , silicone â€Å" elastomers † ( assorted polymers holding similar belongingss to natural gum elastic ) and porous polythene. Other common implant stuffs include SupramidA ® ( a sutura stuff ) and MersilineA ® ( a mesh-like stuff ) that can be used as â€Å" bone staging † . Gore-texA ® is another common stuff used and is known by an abbreviation of its chemical name, ePTFE ( expanded Teflon ) or Gore S.A.M. ( gore hypodermic augmentation material. ) . This stuff popular because it is biocompatible ( compatible with populating tissue ) and because ePTFE is flexible, soft but really strong, it can easy be molded and secured to the bone by Ti prison guards. The stuff is besides porous – so what truly holds the implant in topographic point is the existent soft tissue and bone turning through the implant. Another chin augmentation implant stuff is commercially known as AlloDermA ® . AlloDermA ® comes from asleep tissue givers. Just subsequent to decease, a thin bed of skin tissue is removed and antibiotics and other substances are used to take the cells and DNA that may ensue in rejection. The stuff that has been processed is so used to cover a chin implant. Besides, bone and fat may be harvested from the patient ‘s ain organic structure. This, of class, requires an extra process whereby fat may be taken and processed before injection ( see: Liposuction ) or, in the instance of bone, the stuff is normally taken from the patient ‘s pelvic girdle ( Troy ) or from the ribs. Chin Augmentation Procedure ( with Implant ) : Chin augmentation processs, that involve implants, are normally performed on an outpatient footing. The location of the surgery can be in a surgery suite at your sawbones ‘s office, in a dedicated surgery center/clinic or a local infirmary. The mentum implant process can be performed either under local or general anaesthesia, depending on patient penchant or the sawbones ‘s recommendation The mentum implant surgery, itself, normally takes merely under an hr but if you are holding other processs done ( such as a nose job ) at the same clip, the continuance of the surgery may be longer. Once the anaesthesia has taken consequence, the sawbones makes an scratch at one of two places.A The scratch may be made inside your oral cavity ( along the lower lip ) , or it may be made in the tegument merely beneath your chin.A Your sawbones will so make a pocket over the forepart of your jawbone.A A mentum implant ( that has been pre-selected for the size and form to supply desirable consequences ) will so be inserted into that pocket ( under the musculus of the mentum and above the bone ) . If the implant has been inserted through an scratch in your oral cavity, fade outing stitches will likely be used ( these will fade out in 10 yearss or less ) .A If an scratch was made in your mentum, regular ( non-dissolvable ) stitches will be used and will be removed during a follow-up visit ( about a hebdomad after surgery ) . Besides, after surgery, the mentum is normally taped up to supply support and to restrict swelling and uncomfortableness. A cold compress may besides be applied after surgery to cut down swelling. After surgery, you will be taken to a recovery room and your critical marks will be monitored until you are released to travel place. You should person to drive you place ( due to the effects of the anaesthesia ) . You may besides desire to set up to hold person expression after you for a twenty-four hours or two after surgery. Recovery: You will see some uncomfortableness, bruising and swelling in your mentum and jaw country for several yearss after the surgery. Talk may besides show some uncomfortableness. This should decrease well within a few yearss. You will be given specific instructions from your sawbones sing eating restrictions and tooth brushing processs. If the mentum implant was placed utilizing a oral cavity scratch, there will likely be limitations on the types of nutrients that you can eat for the few yearss after surgery. Soft nutrients and nutrient addendum shingles will probably be recommended. This manner, you can acquire the foods needed for proper healing without damaging the surgery country. Since activity will be limited, instantly following surgery, you may wish to put up a recovery country in your sleeping room or normal sleep country ( anterior to surgery ) that will let you to acquire the remainder that you need. Items you may wish to put in close propinquity are: Ice packs/cold battalions. Some suggest frozen peas in a deep-freeze bag. These remain cold for an drawn-out period of clip, wo n't leak like liquids, and cast to the form of your face. Soft nutrients to eat when your get hungry. Prescribed and suggested medicines ( hurting medicines, oral cavity rinses, etc. ) A thermometer, so you can look into your temperature on a regular basis in order to descry an lift that may bespeak an infection. Gauze rolls to absorb any extra discharge or hemorrhage. A telephone with a list of your physician ‘s contact Numberss should be placed within easy range. Puting the contact Numberss on speed-dial is besides a good thought – but do certain to prove them, foremost. Hazards Associated With Chin Augmentation Surgery: As with all decorative surgeries, there are standard hazards that you should discourse with your physician. In add-on to the standard surgical hazards there are procedure-specific hazards, every bit good. Hazards can include: There is a standard hazard of infection inherent in all surgeries. This can normally be treated successfully with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. However, if the infection occurs around the mentum implant itself and can non be controlled by antibiotics, extra surgery may be needed to temporarily take the implant until the infection clears up. Swelling, contusing and uncomfortableness after surgery – This is typical of many sorts of operations and should be impermanent. If hurting persists beyond what is expected, you should instantly name your sawbones or the on-call medical support squad. Implant-specific hazards – Chin implants can be made of a assortment of different stuffs. Specific hazards may be associated with the stuff that is used in your surgery. You should discourse this with your sawbones. Your mentum implant could switch out of alliance, making an unbalanced expression. This may ask extra surgery to rectify the job. .Procedure Costss: Like most decorative surgery, the costs can be broken down into three major fees: the sawbones ‘s fee, anaesthesia and the installation fee. Costss will change depending on the experience of the sawbones and the complexness of the process. For illustration, a more complicated process may take several hours: this factor increases surgical, anaesthesia, and installation clip, which increases the entire cost of the process. If general anaesthesia is used and an nightlong infirmary stay is required, the costs will be higher than if local anaesthesia is used and no infirmary stay is needed. The installation, where the surgical process is performed, will besides act upon the cost. More than one process may be required but if multiple processs can be performed at the same clip, so certain fees may be combined. Average fees for the mentoplasty or genioplasty processs can run from $ 2,000 to $ 3,000. Benefits will change among insurance bearers and may pay all or a part of the process if the process is deemed medically necessary as the consequence of a birth defect or traumatic hurt. Aside from medical insurance, your sawbones will besides offer funding options that can do your process ( s ) low-cost. Consult your medical insurance bearer and/or your sawbones for inside informations. 10 Thingss to Discourse with Your Surgeon During Your Consultation: What are the realistic outlooks for the procedural consequences? What is the sawbones ‘s degree of experience in executing chin implants? How many processs, of this type, have been performed? Are multiple before and after exposures available for sing? What per centum of this pattern ‘s patients experience complications with the implants? What are the most common complications? Where is the mentum implant performed ( installation ) and how long will it take? Is the installation accredited? In my instance, what technique and/or which implant type and stuff is most appropriate? What are my anaesthesia options? What is the entire cost of the process ( including follow up, sawbones ‘s fee, anaesthesia, installation fees and incidental costs ) ? What is the sawbones ‘s policy in respects to rectifying or reiterating the process if the implant does non run into agreed upon ends or if a complication arises? What should I anticipate, sing recovery ( uncomfortableness, occupation downtime, activity degree, etc. ) ?

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nuclear Stalemate essays

Nuclear Stalemate essays The biggest problem facing the world today is solely the fact that giving up all nuclear weapons is virtually impossible. If attempts were made at mutual disarmament three problems would occur. One being that, ists and ist nations are seeking to acquire nuclear weapons for ist acts. Another being that, a stalemate has developed between the superpowers, in which if one country attacks another then they are assured mutual destruction. Lastly, if one is needed tactically none are available to prevent more shed. Lets say there was an agreement for mutual disarmament. Russia, China, England, the U.S. and every other nuclear power gave up there weapons. All those superpowers did was make themselves vulnerable to the ists that have no desire for peaceful disarmament. ists defiantly would not give up their nuclear weapons. Then it would be impossible to disarm them. We have them, not to use them. They on the other hand, would have them to use them. Because ists dont care whether or not they live, giving them the advantage in nuclear power would threaten the defenseless superpower greatly. Shortly after WWII, five countries obtained nuclear capability and the arms race began. With the threat of total destruction, due to armament of superpowers, an unwritten understanding between superpowers came about that nuclear weapons wouldnt be used tactically, but they would only be used strategically. They wouldnt be used tactically, meaning, they wouldnt be used in conventional warfare. They would be used strategically, meaning, I wont blow you up if you dont blow me up. This created a stalemate that, if disrupted, could create mass destruction. If we study history, we can observe that it tends to repeat itself. Millions of lives were saved by the tactical use of nuclear in Japan at the end of WWII. If this hadnt been done, millions of Ja...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What is an Epilogue and How To Write One, According to Pro Editors

What is an Epilogue and How To Write One, According to Pro Editors What is an Epilogue - and How To Write One Readers Won't Forget The epilogue comes after the story has ended and acts as a finishing touch. It’s one of those literary devices whose necessity is often debated - along with its predecessor, the prologue. If you write a strong ending to a story, should there really be anything left to say? Well, like a good digestif, an epilogue can serve as a satisfying close to a story - one that gives you a moment to reflect on everything you just consumed. It shouldn’t replace dessert the ending of the novel, but merely provide a grace note for the story to close on.To help you decide if your story needs an epilogue and, if so, how to write a strong one, we’ve asked our editors to give us their top epilogue advice. But first, let’s make sure we’re all clear on what an epilogue really is...What is an epilogue?Classic Greek and Elizabethan plays often included epilogues to explain the later fates of the characters. An actor would step forward and speak directly to the audience, offering commentary on the story and dispensing morals, if any were to be found in the tale.  Note that the epilogue, in this respect, is the exact opposite of the prologue and the preface.Since then, the epilogue has naturally evolved. Today, this kind of wrap-up is very rarely used in novels. It's seen as "spoon-feeding" the reader and it implies a lack of trust - either between the novelist and the reader, or between the writer and their own ending.Whether you’re writing a â€Å"Happily Ever After† or a â€Å"To be continued†¦Ã¢â‚¬  epilogue, just be sure to go forward with confidence. If you doubt its necessity, it’s a strong sign it doesn’t need to be there. Either way, don’t overwrite, trust your readers, and you’ll surely have them sighing when they flip the final page and remember that â€Å"parting is such sweet sorrow.†What are some of your favorite epilogues? How do you feel they contributed to your understanding or enjoyment of the story? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

International Business in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business in UK - Essay Example The major benefit of outsourcing the operations to the European Union nations would be the opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of the European culture and market specifics, in addition to lower costs of manufacture and haulage. The European Union is a large potential market for UK based manufacturers. Thus, the strategy of outsourcing of business operations can give certain long-term benefits, though it would involve additional production set-up investments, exposure to translation and economic exposure and foreign exchange risks. However, the strategy can be beneficial particularly in the long run and it would keep the UK based organizations in the forefront in terms of cost competition (Gillespie et al. 2010). Formation of the strategic alliance with a European supplier or distributor would help a UK based manufacturer to gain from the existing network and the market knowledge of the supplier. Furthermore, carrying out of this strategy would require limited resources and investment from the UK based companies. However, the companies would be open to the elements to foreign exchange exposure together with supply chain hazards. The potential costs could be both internal and external in nature. For example, the brand image of the UK based organization and the smooth business operation in the European markets would depend on the new outsource associates of the company, thus revealing it to internal risks (Dicken, 2003, pp. 247-250). The outsourcing of the operations to the European Union countries would enable the UK based company to have access to skilled workers, superior infrastructure, government subsidies and other technological support.  Ã‚  The European market is a huge market and carrying out the production there would give the company cost advantage.Â