Saturday, August 31, 2019

Advance Color Photography

A photograph is a frozen second in time, a token of a memory. If one would really look at any picture, however, a photograph is more complicated than that. Without formal education regarding photography, one cannot fully tell what a good photograph is by simply looking at it. Most of the time even, people say that it is a nice picture if their faces were not construed and their bad angles well kept.People don't often find the difference between black and white pictures and full color pictures. It could be that, in this day and age, color can be considered as a basic necessity, something that can sooth the senses. Likewise, color photography is a technology that allows us to maximize how we keep our memories, which is how we remember it: in full color.In this photography class, we have learned that wasting film is not exactly as it is. With every click of the shutter, we practice. At first, it was quite challenging how one can use an SLR, a camera an average person assume professional photographers use.Although there is much truth in their assumptions, not all the best photographs are taken using such a camera. A simple point and shoot camera can create the best photographs if the handler knows what he is doing.A photographer should know the three basic principles in taking high quality photographs: composition, depth of field, and exposure. Although a point and shoot camera cannot maximize the latter two principles, the composition of an image is the most important element in photography. This is due to the fact that the shutter speed and exposure levels are the elements that gives better effects to pictures.Furthermore, to become a skilled photographer, one should be aware of the other equipment used. A tripod is a fundamental component in taking good pictures. In settings with poor lighting, it is necessary to use a tripod if the camera does not a have a flash, or if it is a kind of night photography. The tripod assists the artist to take clear pictures. A sh aky hand hinders one from capturing a crisp photograph.Different lenses further allows photographers to be more specific in taking pictures. If their object relates to sports, we will need extra lenses that can zoom into moving objects, while maintaining that crisp look. These different kinds of lenses can be necessary for the different specializations different photographers have: portraits, landscapes, architecture, night, still life, journalism, and sports, to name a few.Although I did not learn everything I could have in one course, I have browsed photographs and some basic techniques online. Access is quite easy, and I believe I have the right the maximize this.By taking into my formal studies the extra curricular information I attained, I am able to explore and execute different styles. Other means of sharpening my eye in finding a good photograph was through looking at magazines, newspapers, ads, and even those brochures I can come across.I was browsing in the internet for so me of the best photographs in the recent history when I came across an address that showed the best picks in the year 2005. C.L. Garvin of The Register Herald was one of the artists included in their list.Among all those listed, her photograph was the most serene looking. Her photograph consists of a reflection of a willow, with fall floating on the surface of the water, with the sky as the overall background. The different techniques she incorporated in this photo are also applied by the other photographers in that category.The difference was how they were incorporated. The composition and total appeal of the photograph also brought about its success.In class, we also learned the difference between snapshots and photographs. Snapshots are those pictures we take during parties, special events and documentations hastily. They are usually taken with a simple automatic point and shoot camera without considering the other elements that will make it art.Photographs are taken with a caref ul eye. It doesn't matter if the photo was taken quickly, as long as the photographer keeps in mind the basic elements as he angles his camera to the scene, then it can become art.In color photography, we highly give importance to the role of color to the totality of the image. The different colors used in the composition of the photograph generally sets the mood or tone of the photograph, much like how anything is visually affected by the use of color. In photographs, shades of blue are cool colors, which represent serenity.Warm colors such as yellow and red represent energy, and earth tones are relaxing. The mixture of colors may represented something greater. This means that in taking photographs, the composition of the shot includes balance between the elements and color use.Given that color use in taking pictures can break or make the photograph, the choice of colors to use in the frame is quite vital. The purpose of taking a photograph is not just to freeze time, but also to h ave it represent something more than that, like emotions and thoughts. It is not simply taking a portion of our memories, but also giving it a justifiable aesthetic value.The basic idea is to capture, along with everything within that moment framed. A photographer should also keep in mind the harmony of colors, and how each complement the focal image of the frame.Some experienced photographers will say that those who wish to become an accomplished photographer should simply take a camera, look through the viewer, find an object and press the shutter. That is putting it too mildly. True, some of the best photographs have been taken in an instant.This does not show luck at all, but quick thinking. Moreover, any photographer will not take just one frame of one composition. It can take three frames to 3 rolls to achieve the desired composition and effect of the picture. What is important is that the artist can think fast and be observant enough to find his point of attack.There are basi c guidelines to follow in creating a good photograph. It was mentioned earlier that there are equipment involved. Composition has been long established as a basic principle.However, there are other ways to point the difference between a good and a bad shot. According to another website I came across, the other points one should consider in taking and deliberating the quality of photographs include: irrelevant elements, rule of thirds, lines, frames, camera shots and camera angles.Irrelevant elements include those objects that are not involved in the composition but happened to be captured within the frame. This is unfortunately something we cannot always make do without, especially in a very busy scenario. For example, one picture is focusing on children playing in the park.Parents often see this as a perfect time to have their cameras with them. They bring out the camera and start taking their pictures. Luckily in this age of user friendly digital cameras, one can immediately revie w the shot they took.However, in the time of film, we sometimes find ourselves frustrated when the best picture becomes a disaster as somebody's elbow get in the way, the shot was blurry, or if they weren't even in the frame. It happens, and is often depressing, to find that we don't really know how to take good pictures.The rule of thirds basically imagining dividing the frame into nine boxes, two lines horizontal, and two lines vertical. The idea is to always have this imaginary grid in place every time a picture is being taken. This grid tells us that we should never put the main focus dead center.By putting the focus along these lines, we create a more balanced photograph. The illusion adds depth to the entire image of the photograph. The focus of the photograph would seem out of place if it is at the center of the frame. It will look odd and unattractive.Lines in photographs are elements that adds drama and excitement. It has been said that this technique is quite challenging t o master due to the complexity it adds to the total appeal of the photograph. There are two kinds of lines used in photographs: explicit and implicit. Explicit lines are those close up details of objects, which if taken from a certain angle can be very beautiful.On the other hand, implicit lines are those that are implied in the photo. These lines are also considered as invisible lines because one cannot really see it. These lines have been incorporated from the moment the frame was being composed by the photographer. Furthermore, these lines are not always considered when the photographer takes a picture. Subconsciously, these lines become a guide on how the audience will look at the image.Framing involves what we call the headroom. This element pertains to the space between the edge of the frame and the focus. Also related to the rule of thirds, if the focus of the photograph is not situated in a way that it fills the frame completely. If not, the object should be strategically pl aced that if it doesn't fill the frame, other objects will make up for it. The idea is always to have balance and aesthetic value.Camera Shots will refer to distance of the camera to the object. There are different camera shots a photographer can explore: extreme long shot, long shot, medium shot, close up shot, and extreme close up shot. These shot usually involve a person as reference. Extreme long shot will look like the picture was taken from afar, and the person is only a small percent of the frame.Long shot refers to fitting the person from head to toe within the frame. A medium shot will refer to half the anatomy. The close up shot will refer to the area from the chest up, with sufficient headroom. Lastly, the extreme close up shot would be a very tight frame of a person's face. One should always remember, however, that the frames should never divide the body of a person in a frame at the joints: knees, waist, elbow, and neck.The last of the basic principles discussed by the website I found and was much used as well in class is the camera angle. Five different angles was discussed. The first refers to how the viewer seems to be interacting with the object, this is called a subjective angle. An objective angle on the other hand, refers to how the object is involved his own environment.The other three angles will refer to the point of view of the camera. The first of these is the low angle, where the camera is taking a picture from the lower areas of the object. This gives the object a sense of power and strength.The second angle would be the high angle wherein the camera takes a picture from above the object, giving it the opposite appeal: submission and weakness. The last angle discussed is the oblique angle. Quite an interesting point of view, an artist can explore a lot of different angles that can be both dramatic and playful.However, once a picture is taken, it isn't a quality photograph yet. How pictures are   printed are also taken into consider ation. In this digital era, we can print color photographs in our very homes. Technology really made it easier for us.From our cameras, we upload our photos in computers for retouching and cropping. For black and white photographs, there are specific chemicals used to develop the film, and from that film onto paper. Darkrooms and enlargers are used.However, for colored photographs, conventional printers and photo papers can be used. To have a more than satisfactory output of these pictures, the kinds of printers and papers should be of top quality to have the desired outcome. Today, the different colors used to print are abbreviated as CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black). These colors are mixed to form the different colors of the spectrum, producing colorful photographs.The choices made by the photographer regarding these factors in printing highly affect the output of the picture. It is only logical that way. If pictures are printed on low quality papers, through a rather cheap machine, then what else can we expect at the paper tray? If we are really after the best quality, then we should go all the way. Making use of substitutes will not promote everything we desire.Realism in photography is quite a rampant style today. Traced to where photographs are still in forms of paintings, realism is a style which portrays real life: problems, physical appearances, and sometimes morals, as listed by the website aHUNTFOR.Apparently, this style is also used in advocacies and statement artworks tody. The general context involved in realism boils down to the emotions: the feelings during hardship and likewise happiness. It paints reality of that time.When realism first came out as a style of art, all the neglected aspects of their lives were given light. Anyone today can produce quality photographs due to the convenience technology offered. All the other emotions and overlooked issues were given light. This explains the passion people express through advocacy photograp hs. Since they are given the liberty to express themselves, so share what they see through their lenses.This course taught me so much. What I have written here only involves the technical aspects of photography. These are the basic knowledge I need in constructing my own little masterpieces in full color. Printing them out through conventional printers or those in the high end series can only support my photograph. But what matters is my idea is expressed through such a creative means, as photography.Works Citedâ€Å"Basic Rules of Photography.† 20 September 2003. 9 January 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   .â€Å"Best Photographs of 2005.† Avolites Distributors Worldwide. 2005. 9 January 2008   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   .â€Å"Realism.† 2007. 9 January 2008 .

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Blindness of King Lear

In the classic Vincent Price horror film, THEATER OF BLOOD a demented Shakespearean actor murders critics who have savaged him in the past with a series of gruesome traps based on death scenes from Shakespeare’s work. At the film’s conclusion, a critic faces permanent blindness as punishment for being blind to the actor’s greatness in the same way King Lear was blind to his own folly and ego.When one reads the TRAGEDY OF KING LEAR, one can see that the curse of Lear is that he was blind to the full spectrum of the consequences of his actions. Lear had a single minded approach to how he defined his outlook of the world and such blindness lead to the deaths of his friends and family as well as the creation of a needless war with France.At the beginning of the play, Lear wishes to divide his throne amongst his three daughters. Lear opts to tie the division of his throne into the performance of his daughters in a speech delivery contest and this raises the ire of Cor delia, as she refuses to take part in such a contest. This results in Lear disowning her and that set into motion a chain of events where Cordelia marries the leader of France which provides France with the justification to invade Lear’s country to seize territory; these events would never had been possible without Lear’s narrow-minded paranoia governing his psyche and his actions.From this, it is evident that Lear’s â€Å"blindness† to his daughter’s feeling lead to the â€Å"blindness† in being able to see the consequences of his actions. Lear conducted himself in a manner that was impetuous and ego driven. His inability to understand that he was not being insulted or rejected by Cordelia, but rather Cordelia ( a character who is clearly  defined as having a strong moral core) was rejecting the notion that she should compete with her sisters for her father’s rewards.The irony to this is that because King Lear saw an enemy where an enemy did not exist, he fed the real enemy (France) with the justification it was loosely looking for in order to take an action against Lear.FOOLNo, he's a yeoman that has a gentleman to his son; for he's a mad yeoman that sees his son a gentleman before him.The character of the Fool often represents Lear’s subconscious, as it is the character of the fool that impresses upon Lear the importance of paying attention to what actually â€Å"is† and what truly exists in the world, as opposed to paying too much attention to what is merely his own personal perception of reality; a perception that is tailored by Lear’s desire for what he wishes to be true. That is, what exists and what one wishes to exist are two separate creatures.Conversely, this is not to infer that Lear is merely paranoid. There is great need to be wary of foreign invaders and influence. History has shown that the world has suffered my imperial expansions into sovereign territories and it would no t be outside of Lear’s proper reason to worry that a foreign power would wish to threaten the stability of his kingdom. It had not been without precedent that members of royalty’s own family conspired against them, so Lear’s response was not without merit. Lear’s problem, however, derived from the fact that he saw enemies where enemies did not exist (as was  the case with his daughter), took the advice of those who ultimately were not helpful to him (his close associates) and, essentially opted to ignore the advice of the person who had his best interests at heart: the Fool.FOOLHe's mad that trusts in the tameness of a wolf, a horse's health, a boy's love, or a whore's oath.With that statement, The Fool provides a cohesive logical center to the character of Lear, who has gone blindly adrift amidst his own conspiracy theory passions. It is ironic that the Fool truly is the wisest person in the cast of characters, yet is outwardly dubbed a fool, while tho se who should know better are in decisive or outright wrong.At certain points, Lear does at least initially make an attempt to take the advice of the Fool or at least give the Fool’s advice serious contemplation as evidenced in the following response to the Fool’s commentary:KING LEAR It shall be done; I will arraign them straight. Come, sit thou here, most learned justicer; Thou, sapient sir, sit here. Now, you she-foxes!At this point, it appears that Lear is leaving some of his blindness behind and has finally seen the truth. The Fool has made a wise-man of the king, as the king appears to finally understand the concept that a clear understanding of a real threat vs. a perceived threat is reached. Lear’s problem, however, is that he is always seeking third party  validation of his beliefs. He will prescribe to the Fool’s advice for a short time, but then will waiver and side with his associates who are more willing to tell him what he wants to hear. T his allows the Fool to become symbolic of a moral conscious. When the Fool appears and reappears throughout the play, it symbolizes Lear’s central, endemic problem: reason, logic and clarity of thought are inconsistent with Lear. As a leader, is judgment is not sound and prone to radical faltering.A great deal of the irony of the play derives from the fact that while Cordelia appears to be the instigator of the loss of Lear’s throne, it is actually she who is the one who seeks to restore Lear. Lear’s other daughters, Goneril and Regan, ultimately prove that their loyalties lie with the material aspects of the throne and their true natures surface when they start to squabble amongst themselves over the affections of Edmund. All of this provides a scenario that is more damaging to Lear’s self-preservation than he initially perceived. In other words, he never should have directed his venom towards Cordelia, but did so because of his perpetual blindness towar ds what actually is vs. what he perceives reality to be. In reality, the threats lie with the â€Å"good† daughters such as Goneril, as evidenced in the following dialogue where it is clear she shares little regard for the value of Lear’s life.GONERIL By day and night he wrongs me; every hour He flashes into one gross crime or other, That sets us all at odds: I'll not endure it: His knights grow riotous, and himself upbraids usOn every trifle. When he returns from hunting,I will not speak with him; say I am sick: If you come slack of former services, You shall do well; the fault of it I'll answerIn the following passage, a clearly unhinged King Lear tries to make sense of the disastrous situation that he finds himself in, all the result of the foolish wedge he drove between himself and his daughter(s) when he conceived of the ill-advised and ill-fated speech contest:KING LEAR No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison: We two alone will sing like birds i' the cage: Whe n thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down, And ask of thee forgiveness: so we'll live, And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laugh At gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too, Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out; And take upon's the mystery of things, As if we were God’s spies: and we'll wear out, In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones, That ebb and flow by the moon.Unfortunately, as much as he wishes it were possible, Lear can not correct the past. It has been said that all human beings develop their core, central beliefs revolving around the fact that their life experiences create their perception of the world.  In Lear’s situation, as a King and leader of a nation, he was never used to hearing the word â€Å"no† as those looking to remain in the favor of the king and avoid his wrath would simply not take up a position that the King would perceive as threatening. Hence, King Lear de veloped a predictable and thoroughly unhealthy cause and effect response to the word â€Å"no† to where any negative sentiment would result in retaliation to the (perceived) threat.Ultimately, Lear realizes his error when he loses his thrown, sees his family fall apart and then has to contend with internal soul searching in order to find some sort of moral lesson that could at least rationalize the entire experience within his own heart as having ultimately been worth a greater good. That greater good is, essentially, Lear realizing the error of his ways, but his realization does nothing to reverse the damage. In fact, the final result of all the conflict in the play yields the death of Cordelia, the only daughter who truly loved him.As such, Lear eventually must give up his blindness to what his emotions have created and see the world for what it truly is. Unfortunately for King Lear, these realizations come very late in the equation and his lessons are learned at a point th at is far beyond where a benevolent conclusion could have been reached. This is why the story of King Lear is called a tragedy.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Interpersonal Communication Theories Essay

Identify Three Concepts from Any of the Interpersonal Communication Theories Interpersonal communication is as important as life itself for most of the people on this planet. Humans are social creatures, mostly, and the ways of communication are very important for building a healthy society through the construction of relationships between individuals. There are numerous theories of interpersonal communication that explain the process of building and supporting relationships with people around. The theory of Symbolic Interaction is one of such (Nelson). It has the following idea as base: people form some meaning and structure of everything around in a society using interactions. Then, people act according to the meanings they give to other people, events, things, etc. Moreover, the theory presupposes that the entire world is made of such social objects, named and determined by a society beforehand (Nelson). The theory has the following main concepts: society, self, and mind. Society. The basic social acts (the ones that create meaning only) must involve some kind of initial gesture from a person. Then, this act must receive some kind of response to this gesture from another person. Finally, some kind of result appears (Nelson). Life of any person is full of such moments, especially in childhood and youth. It is so because when a person learns new concepts and models of behavior, learning the life, this individual does something and then has to see the response to this action and only then this person will know what kind of act it is. The simplest example is smoking. Being a child, I was not aware that smoking is bad because I did not know about it. Then, at school, kids have been told that smoking is bad. However, children are maximalists, usually. We all have tried smoking and then it was considered as cool thing s because other kids gave the response that it was cool. Then, parents explained why it was bad and the problem was solved. Self. Understanding oneself is conditioned and shaped by interactions with others and the way they percept this person (Nelson). Most of people are worried about what others would say about them. Thus, self is usually defined based on the opinions of others regarding the personality of each individual. The best example is as follows: I came to study in a new school. The way I looked and acted from the beginning made the kids around me consider me as a normal, cool person. Therefore, my self image was shaped and supported by their attitude. Mind. People see how objects can be defined according to their understanding of how it is possible to react to them. Thus, people are able to think using significant symbols in order to respond to oneself (Nelson). In other words, people give objects meaning through symbolic thinking. As the example, the following case can be provided: when I was little, it was necessary to learn how to write. While I was not good at it, the pen and paper were my enemies and I did not like to do this exercise. However, after a series of attempts something started to come out. Thus, I gave these objects other meaning. It all happened because I reacted differently to these objects within some period giving them symbolic meaning. Symbolic thinking is the base of our perception of the world. Works Cited Nelson, L. D. Herbert Blumer’s Symbolic Interactionism. 1998. Web. 26 January 2012 .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Differences between Ethics and Law From Bioethical Point of View Essay

Differences between Ethics and Law From Bioethical Point of View - Essay Example Although there is a boundary between laws and ethics, the boundary does not separate them sufficiently. This paper seeks to define law and ethics and in the process try to bring out the difference between the two. Ethics comes from the notion of rights and wrongs within a given society. These wrong and rights are based on actions we would expect others to do for us in return. We are thus forced or expected to do to other people, as we would wish them to do to us. With time, these expectations have been developed into principles that define ethics in a given society. On the other hand, laws are developed and imposed by the government to enhance harmony among members of a given society1. This implies that laws are generally accepted in a given society as guiding principles if they create a difference between wrongs and rights. The government, through peoples representatives, creates laws for a given society and not the vice versa. For these laws to be generally acceptable, they must fu lfill the society’s requirements for wrongs and rights. Laws are therefore developed from existing ethics and imposed by the government to mediate the relationship between members of a particular society. An example of a common ethic in medical practice is treating emergency cases urgently. A similar law created by the government would state that all emergency cases brought to a hospital should be attended within the shortest time possible. The law would continue and give penalty for defaulters. Similarly, ethics have attached consequences that stipulate actions to be taken on defaulters. Laws are therefore developed from existing ethics for them to be generally accepted by a given society2. The development of laws from existing ethics implies that laws are just extensions of ethics and hence related. Due to general acceptance principle, ethics are unwritten rules that mediate between people of a given society. On the other hand, laws have a wider coverage and varied interpre tations that require preservation in writing. Ethics of a given society do not require to be kept in a written format since people are aware and ready to commit to them. Ethics are therefore established on people’s conscience eliminating the requirement of written a document. For a code of conduct to be accepted as an ethic in a given society, people must have the ability to recall it when a need for application arises. Therefore, some institutions have a written document that stipulates the code of ethics that must be upheld by the members of such institution. For example, health institutions have a code of ethics document for medical practitioners. Elimination of ambiguity and preservation are the two main reasons for writing down laws. Ethics on the other hand are preserved in people conscience and passed from one generation to another. This factor weakens the difference between written and unwritten rules. Writing of laws is done objectively while ethics are preserved in people‘s consciousness for a similar objectives. This implies that the existence of laws as written rules and ethics as unwritten rules does not create sufficient difference between the two implying that laws and ethics are similar. Laws have to be approved by all arms of the government before being put into application. On the other hand, ethics do not require approval by any party since they are generally accept

Auteur Director Tim Burton Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Auteur Director Tim Burton - Essay Example rnered for himself â€Å"an international audience of fans and influencing a generation of young artists working in film, video, and graphics.† (â€Å"Tim Burton†, 2010). Among the many successful and critically acclaimed films of his, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice are two of the prominent ones. In line with his unique filmmaking genre, both the films had a mix of fantasy as well as gothic elements, but still had certain distinct aspects, which has enabled us to study the films in comparative way. Thus, by focusing on the films, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice, the common themes, recurring motifs and filming practices in the films will be compared. In Edward Scissorhands (1990), Burton ‘told’ the story of an ‘artificial’ man named Edward, who is an unfinished creation, and so had scissors instead of normal hands. When Edward was taken in by a suburban family from his isolated existence in a dark mansion for many years, he fits in well initially, only to be manipulated and made as an outcast. On the other hand, in Beetlejuice (1988), Burton ‘revolves’ the plot around a recently dead young couple, who transform into ghosts and continue to haunt their former home. However, with the entry of new ‘normal’ inhabitants, Deetzes family, the couple gets threatened, seeking the services of an abhorrent and scheming exorcist named Beetlejuice, leading to repercussions. The common themes that are visible in the films, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice are appearance and the related issues with acceptance. The theme of acceptance is shown through how the characters accept or find it difficult to accept other characters, who may be â€Å"different† from the majority. That is, when an individual is different from the majority of the people, in the physical sense, he/she would not be welcomed nor accepted. Although, few characters would accept, certain other characters may not accept, causing problems to many of the characters involved. In Edward

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Defining blackness in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Defining blackness in America - Essay Example in order to differentiate blacks from white. The racial line has always put blacks at a distance and hindered them from participating in American culture and politics. It is what has kept African Americans from being given equal opportunities in the U.S., being seen as citizens in the U.S., and being seen as humans in the U.S. Blackness is the best way to explain this complicated relationship African Americans share with America and the whites that they live alongside in this country. There used to be a strong argument in America that being black could affect one’s access to power. There, was an argument that being black was a disadvantage, and that an individual you would be limited in what you could accomplish simply based on the color of your skin. These perceptions would hold true in the past America, but in the modern day America, power is more accessible to people of all races, including African Americans. The argument that African Americans cannot get ahead because of t heir color is more of a crutch than something is which is factual. Like Toure stated in his book, â€Å"Who’s Afraid of Post-Blackness†, we are going an era where there are so many different ways to be black that nobody has to keep up some pre-conceived black image because, honestly, there is not one (Toure 48). One common perception prevalent among man is that, generally, other people view them based on their physical appearance. This type of perception falls into the psychological concept that Toure refers to as the looking glass self in his book â€Å"Who’s Afraid of Post-Blackness†. This states that people perceive themselves based on the way that their peers perceive them, which leads people to reinforce other people's perspectives of them (Toure 47). Naturally, people want to portray a certain type of image. When you think of individuals who are in power, you typically think of someone who is white and who is male. This is why some believe that blac ks who have skin light tones are more likely to be in power than dark skinned African Americans. This color complex has not only shaped the way white Americans view African Americans, but also the way African Americans view other African Americans. A lot of emphasis has been placed on skin color to the extent that, individuals opt for doing anything, to get an appearance that has the impression of taking them to the threshold of becoming successful. The further one strays away from this image the more challenging it becomes for them to have the illusion of power. This outdated view of politics is not a part of how it works anymore. Money, class and contacts fuel the realm of politics and have the say over who gets to be in power and who does not. Being light or dark does not really control how you fit in this modern day political atmosphere (Toure 47). Being light-skinned or dark-skinned does not really control how you fit in this modern day political atmosphere. We are entering an age where people at the top come in all races and nationalities. The journey to this position, however, has not been without its struggles and perils. Black people in America have had to deal with classism and sexism from within, on top of racism from without. African American women have borne the brunt of this in particular with mental and physical oppression from both white and African American males (Bharati 37). Blackness for the African American

Monday, August 26, 2019

Statistical computation of maximum likelihood estimates using R Math Problem

Statistical computation of maximum likelihood estimates using R - Math Problem Example SMA do not account for seasonal changes. The duration of the moving average can best be determined according to the type of application data to forecast. Long time periods gives smoother response by removing random variations but react slower to changes in the data as it lags the trend. Short time periods produce more oscillation but closely follow the trend. SMA is calculated by averaging the most recent number of actual values. SMA is calculated by using the following equation (Chase & Jacobs 2006): Where Ft Forecast for coming period At-1 Actual value in the past At-2, At-3, Actual values two, three, periods ago. N Number of periods to be averaged In the attached excel document, SMA is calculated for three periods: three, four, and five. Different n time periods will produce different results of data values. The values of MAD corresponding to each period are shown in the following table: Table 1: MAD values for different periods of SMA Time Period (n) MAD 3 4.36 4 3.10 5 3.95 Table one demonstrates that the smallest value of MAD exists for the period of n=4. This indicates that the type of data being analyzed is best estimated using a period of four. Figure 1: SMA for periods of 3,4, and 5. Figure one confirms the results of MAD analysis from table one. The best fit trend line is the SMA for n=4. This line follows the actual data curve specially on the 15th, 22, and 25 where major change occurred in wind speed. The period that best fits the actual data is dependent on the type of data analyzed which is the wind speed. Weighted Simple Moving Average (WSMA): A weighted moving average puts different weights to each element, providing that the sum of all weights equals 1. Weights are...Short time periods produce more oscillation but closely follow the trend. In the attached excel document, SMA is calculated for three periods: three, four, and five. Different n time periods will produce different results of data values. The values of MAD corresponding to each period are shown in the following table: Figure one confirms the results of MAD analysis from table one. The best fit trend line is the SMA for n=4. This line follows the actual data curve specially on the 15th, 22, and 25 where major change occurred in wind speed. The period that best fits the actual data is dependent on the type of data analyzed which is the wind speed. A weighted moving average puts different weights to each element, providing that the sum of all weights equals 1. Weights are chosen by experience and trial and error. A general rule applies that recent past is more indicative of the future and should get higher weighting. However, if the data are seasonal weights should be established accordingly. The weighted moving average advantage over the simple moving average is the ability to vary the effects of past data. In the excel document, in the Weighted SMA sheet, the weights of the moving average are determined by trial and error to produce the least value of MAD since there is no expert opinion as to guide the setup of

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Indians of the Rio Grande (1528-1536) Essay

Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Indians of the Rio Grande (1528-1536) - Essay Example We treated many satisfied patients who firmly believed in our abilities. The natives highly respected us. Women treated us with mats and cooked food for us. The natives would abandon anything that was not blessed by us. As a result, we were supposed to breathe on and bless every share that was bought to us. Moreover, they would seek our advice for all important matters. During our expeditions, other people who feared us and believed firmly in our sacred powers welcomed us. They surrendered all their possessions to us that were distributed to those who were needy of them. During the expedition, we suffered a lot from malnutrition until Castillo and the Negro, left to look for food to a village beneath the river. Good news flowed from here, and the natives came to welcome them with food and water (Barker, pp. 15-20). However, as the natives and the Indians did not get along well, we had to follow the league of the natives, leaving the Indians behind with their food. The natives celebrated our arrival, while we left the next day. The following night, I asked my mates to look for the Christians who were moving away from that part of the country, who nevertheless refused due to the fatigue and weariness. However, I took off with my league in search of Christians. On our journey, we met four Christians who were astonished to see us; I nonetheless, asked them to lead us to their captain Diego de Alcaraz.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Business Environment of the Modern Day Society Research Paper

The Business Environment of the Modern Day Society - Research Paper Example Because of this transformation of the world, information from various corners of the world can be easily accessed by individuals and organizations without facing the problems of existence of a geographical barrier. The availability of various kinds of free data and other information content has automatically contributed in the rapid dispersion of various kinds of global trends. The fast maturity of markets around the world with response to the global trends resulted in creating unique demands from the consumers located in the developed as well as the developing markets. Business organization and companies in order to attain future growth in their areas of businesses increasingly try to focus on fulfilling the demand arising in the new as well as established markets located all over the world. However, before entering into a new market or trying to fulfil an existing or emerging demand in an already existent market, firms and organization often conduct external as well as internal env ironment analysis. While the internal analysis of the firms’ environment brings into focus the various advantages and disadvantages that are existent within the possibility of control of the firm, the external analysis outlines the positive and negative points that are beyond the controlling ability of the firm. Talking in a little detailed manner about the analysis of the external environment, it has to be said that the PEST analysis plays a very critical role. The PEST analysis comprises of evaluation of the external environment from the perspectives of political, economic, social and technological factors. It is important to mention that the PEST analysis is a highly effective tool for organizations that are looking forward to identify and control the weaker sides of the business environment so as to generate significant amount of potential leverage for their own product or service offerings (Henry 2). Talking more on the same note, it has to be said that by using the PEST analysis, the organizations look forward to capitalizing on their core competencies while addressing significant anomalies that might alter the balance existing in a competitive environment of business. It is relevant to mention the fact that when firms and organizations look forward to implementing a PEST analysis for analyzing and studying the current business environment, focus has to be given on a particular region on the basis of the firms’ product or service offerings. Also, an effective study of the business environment by the firm while using the PEST analysis will help the organization or firm to identify potential areas of business opportunity and threats (Ward and Daniel 28). Talking in a little elaborate manner about the factors that comprise of the PEST analysis, a brief description about each of the four factors has to be provided. While discussing the political factors, issues comprising of consumer protection law, contract and property rights, exchange rate p olicies, healthcare policies, political stability and trade regulations has to be taken into consideration. The economic factor will cover the analysis on the lines of availability and cost of workforce maintenance, growth factors of the economy, economic growth rate, rates of unemployment and inflation, stability of the exchange rate of the currency as well as existence and nature of the free market. While talking about the social factor of the PEST analysis, importance has to be given to issues like demographic factors, education, spirit of entrepreneurship as well as factor of wealth distribution. Finally while discussing about issues related to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Santa Fe Grill Restaurant Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Santa Fe Grill Restaurant Survey - Essay Example The mean values for X22 and X32 are 4.82963 and 0.348148148 respectively. To determine if the two mean are significantly different with an equal variance, a t-statistical analysis is undertaken. The one tail results give a t-critical of 1.647649 while the two tails gives a t-critical result of 1.964318. However; going by the one tail, the t-critical is 1.647649 compared with a significance level of 0.00, we accept the null hypothesis that the two means are statistically significant. According to the book page 498, this analysis was supposed to compare the level of satisfaction between male and female-considering the mean. However, from the results there is no substantial support for the null hypothesis to ascertain that the two means are equal, and hence we conclude that male customers are significantly more satisfied than female customers. The mean values of X21, X22 and X23 are 4.82963, 4.464198 and 3.785185. The null hypothesis is to test if the mean of the variables are significantly different. The p-value=3.59 while the significant level ÃŽ ±=o.05; therefore we accept the null hypothesis that the mean of the variables are significantly different (p-value>0.05). That is, the mean perceptions of males between the two restaurants do not differ significantly on satisfaction or likelihood of returning. Most customers at the restaurant do not like to party as this is revealed by 14 out of 450 strongly agreed to like partying. However, it is worth noting that some customers are influenced by friends before deciding on what to take while reasonable prices also influences the customer’s decision to take a meal at the restaurant. Among the respondents, at least half agreed that attractive interior and excellent food are some of the driving factors that they consider before entering a restaurant. This is something that Santa Fe Grill Restaurant has to contend with if it wants to maximize its profits and revenues. According to the frequency

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Managing physical resources Essay Example for Free

Managing physical resources Essay Within this task I am going to produce data that is going to be included in a job information pack, as part of an advertisement campaign for a new post with a company that my supervisor has asked to to work on. The main factor that I am going to include is: Â  The key features of legislation, including Health and Safety, which effects the management of resources. It is important for employers to be aware that they have a responsibility for the health and safety of their employees. They are also responsible for any visitors to their premises such as customers, suppliers and and general public. Employers can help ensure of the health and safety of these people through conducting a risk assessment. A risk assessment can be defined as identifying a potential risk. Employers have a duty of care to ensure as much as possible of the health and safety of people involved with the business. Often an employer will appoint specific person to deal with risk assessments within the business that is trained within health and safety. This is highly recommended for a business to use as it is known to significantly decrease the risk of problems regarding health and safety within a company. This is because by analysing and then identifying potential risks, then strategies can be used in order to combat these potential risks so as an employer completes their duty of care for the people involved in the business. There are many factors that a company must take into account when opening there business so that they maintain their responsibility of ensuring the health and safety of people involved in the business. The first issue that I will look at is when a business is employing five or more people. In this case the business would have to have an official record of what the assessment consists of, meaning that that the employer would have to have certain plans in order to deal with potential risks. As well as this, there must also be a formal health and safety policy, which also includes arrangements to protect the health and safety of the employee. Health and Safety at Work Act The next issue I am going to focus on is the employers duty of care in practice. It is imperative that all employers, despite the size of their company ensure of certain factors, and examples of of these factors are shown below: Ensuring the workplace is safe. Â  Provide adequate first aid facilities. Â  Have emergency plans for potential risks. Firstly, employers should prevent the risks of injury within the workplace as much as possible. Following this, if an injury was to occur then there should be first aid facilities than can deal with the problem effectively. Finally, if an injury was to occur then the employer should have emergency plans so that it can be dealt with to the highest standard so as the person involved is treated in the most effective way possible. In order for the workplace to be safe and healthy, an employer should:Â  Light premises so that employees can work and move safety. Â  Ensure that employees are their necessary work break. Â  Store items so they are unlikely to cause an injury. These are some examples above of what an employer is expected to ensure of in the workplace for the health and safety of people involved with the company. Firstly, the premises should be at the correct light so as people an see what they are doing and the chance of an injury will therefore be decreased. The employers must also ensure that their employees have the adequate time break so that they are able to operate effectively, on both a person and business level. A hazard that is often a cause of injury within a workplace is when items are not stored correctly and when to storage cupboard is opened it falls, causing an injury. This is therefore vital for the employers to ensure that employees are able to store items correctly to prevent injury. The rights of an employee within the workplace with regards to health and safety are shown below. Â  To have any risks to your health and safety properly controlled by your employer. Â  To be provided, free of charge, any personal protective and safety equipment If there are reasonable concerns about your safety, to stop work and leave your work area, without being disciplined. To tell your employer about any health and safety concerns you have. COSHH This is a law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. This meaning of this law is shown below. C ONTROL O F S UBSTANCES H AZADOUS H EALTH An employer will be able to prevent employees exposure to these substances by: Â  Identifying the health hazards. Â  Creating a risk assessment. Â  Provide training to employees to understand these substances. Provide training to employees so they know how to deal with an accident involving these substances. Â  Planning for emergencies. There are often chemicals and substances within a workplace that are hazardous to employees healthy, and through using COSHH then the chance of employees having an injury that is related to chemicals or substances in the workplace is significantly reduced. This is on the assumption that the employer takes into consideration the points stated above. Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some create substances that could cause harm to employees and people within the workplace. Sometimes substances are easily recognised as harmful such as paint, bleach or dust from natural materials may also be harmful. The company itself would be responsible for carrying out the procedure above and any equipment necessary to ensure the employees and people within the workplace are not effected by hazardous substances. The necessary equipment needed to ensure this will also need to be maintained by the company itself. Fire Precaution Act 1971 This legislation deals with factors including: * The detection process and giving a warning in case of a fire. Â  The process of escape from the danger. * The way to fight and combat a fire. The training of staff with regards to fire safety. This legislation focusses on safety within the workplace with regards to the chance of a fire. This is designed to ensure that employees are able to prevent a fire occurring as much as possible. However, in the case of a fire employees would be able to deal with it effectively so as the safety of people involved are ensured. The first point looks at the importance of being able to identify that there is in fact a fire within the premises. This can be done through having adequate and effective fire and smoke alarms located thoroughly throughout the workplace. If a fire is identified then people within the workplace will need to know the process of escaping to safety. This can be done by having fire exists in the workplace, with employees of the company taking control of the situation and ensuring people within the premises are re-assured and are guided step by step to safety. In some cases there will need to be staff trained that are trained in being able to combat a fire whilst emergency services on on route to the premises. This can be done with effective training in fire extinguishers and necessary equipment used to combat a fire. As it is the resource managers responsibility to deal with the safety of employees and customers, then it will consequently have an effect on them. For example, they will have to send staff on training courses regarding fire safety which will be at a cost. However, this training is a necessity and will be needed by the company. As well as this, there will be changes in equipment such as more modern and effective fire extinguishers. Therefore, further training with regards to this be needed to be carried out by the resource manager to ensure that certain employees can use these pieces equipment effectively in the event of a fire. Employees may have to go on training courses mean that they will not be able to work whilst this training is being carried out. This training could be off the job and could be at a different premises to their workplace and therefore these employees need to be willing to commit to this so as the training on new equipment can be complete. This equipment would be the responsibility of the company who is providing the training to another company to make sure it is in the appropriate condition so that the safety of trainees is ensured. The Control of Noise at Work Regulation 1989 This legislation came into force for all industry sectors in Great Britain on 6th April 2006. The aim of this legislation is to ensure that employees hearing is protected from excessive noise in the workplace, which has the possibility of damaging their hearing or can be a cause of tinnitus. The level at which employers must provide hearing protection is 85 decibels, on the means that it is a daily or weekly average exposure. Employers must access the situation regarding this legislation and where it is necessary, ensure that: Hearing protection is provided and used. Â  They provide information, training and health surveillance where it is needed. Certain factors can be used to judge whether there is a problem with noise in a workplace. These factors are shown below: Â  Whether employees have to raise their voice to carry out a normal conversation from about two metres apart. Â  Whether employees use noisy powered tools or machinery for more than half an hour a day. Â  If there are noises due to impacts, such as hammering. The purpose of this act is to ensure of the health and safety of people within a business in regards to the noise in the workplace. The resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to measure to decibel level in the premises so that the right precautions can be carried out if they do in fact reach a certain level. For example, if the noise in the workplace does exceed 85 decibels then it means that the resource manager will have to purchase the necessary equipment to ensure that the hearing safety of people with the premises are ensured. Equipment that would usually be used are ear plugs, which primarily cut out exterior noise pollution, and allow the person to hear people from a close range. Conclusion In summary, a resource manager will have to take into account certain legislations and factors so that the health and safety of people involved within a company, such as employees and customers are ensured. This may mean that they will have to purchase equipment and use training to have be able to do so.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

On the Job Training Essay Example for Free

On the Job Training Essay OJT is a three letter acronym for on-the-job training, which is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation. OJT training, sometimes called direct instruction, is one of the earliest forms of training (observational learning is probably the earliest,). It is a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to do a task shows another how to perform it. In antiquity, the kind of work that people did was mainly unskilled or semiskilled work that did not require specialized knowledge. Parents or other community members, who knew how to do a job necessary for survival, passed their knowledge on to the children through direct instruction. On-the-job training is still widely in use today. In fact, it is probably the most popular method of training because it requires only a person who knows how to do the task, and the tools the person uses to do the task. It may not be the most effective or the most efficient method at times, but it is normally the easiest to arrange and manage. Because the training takes place on the job, it can be highly realistic and no transfer of learning is required. It is often inexpensive because no special equipment is needed other than what is normally used on the job. The other side is that OJT takes the trainer and materials out of production for the duration of the training time. In addition, due to safety or other production factors, it is prohibitive in some environments. Training is the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies as a result of the teaching of vocational or practical skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving ones capability, capacity, and performance. It forms the core of apprenticeships and provides the backbone of content at institutes of technology (also known as technical colleges or polytechnics). In addition to the basic training required for a trade, occupation or profession, observers of the labor-market[who? ] recognize as of 2008[update] the need to continue training beyond initial qualifications: to maintain, upgrade and update skills throughout working life. People within many professions and occupations may refer to this sort of training as professional development.

Intervention of Stroop Effect on Color Naming Task

Intervention of Stroop Effect on Color Naming Task Dang Su Rene Abstract The research shows that the intervention of Stroop effect affects the time taken in completing the color naming task. To do this experiment, 248 participants were randomly selected which are half of the participants are Chinese speaking and another half are non-Chinese speaking. The two type of participants will took this experiment. Their result were recorded and shows that non-Chinese speaking took a little longer time to identify the color of round shapes, neutral words, incongruent color words and related words compared to Chinese speaking. However, their results turn out to be very competitive. In contrast, participants who are Chinese speaking they understand Chinese incongruent word and this causes them take time to identify it. (115 words) Introduction â€Å"Stroop effect† is discovered by John Ridley Stroop was first publish in 1935 in an article. This effect is a study of an intervention that the brain’s reaction time of a task. However, the misapply of interference or inhibition has given the physiologist to begin the investigation on experimental literature and has perpetuate to the present by psychologists. Many studies had been published but only several reports captured the psychologist attention. Stroop (1935) was the original Stroop Experiment that studied the speed in naming the ink color and the nature of stimulus which is round shape versus incongruent color words. It illustrates the nature of automatic processing versus visual awareness control. The results showed that the speed in naming the ink color of incongruent color words were slower compared to round shapes. The conclusion was stated were due to interference effect. After a short time, there is two alternative explanation for the Stroop Effect have been suggested which is relative speed of processing argument and automaticity account. The relative speed of argument theory was proposed by John Morton (1969). Both reading and color naming are accomplished in parallel. When it is complete at the same time, word reading is faster and therefore interferes with color naming in the race for verbal output. Schiffrin and Schneider (1977) came up automaticity account theory that suggested the two cognitive attentional processes are automatic processes and controlled processes. They illustrate the differences between the automatic and the controlled. Automatic task requires less attention, difficult to interrupt and it is a task that we are practiced at. In contrast, controlled task requires more attention, interrupt easily and new tasks is given. Therefore, the Stroop Effect happens when an automatic process disrupts a controlled process and this may causes changes after practicing at naming colors. Dalrymple-Alford (1972) considered the variation of the Stroop Effect which includes some conditions. The conditions was to have shapes, color related words and non color-related words. As a result, he concluded that more interference for color related word. Ami (2012) studied that conventional theories of the Stroop effect propose that faster color categorization on congruent trials parallel to incongruent trials is caused by channel interaction. In other words, information from the unrelated word channel disrupts processing of the print color, in turn triggers the deceleration process of incongruent displays. Karthikeyan, Murugappan, Yaacob (2014) studied the results shows that notable changes between the normal and stressed states are more apparent with categorization accuracy. The aim is to display the interference in the response time of a task. Therefore, the current research helps us understand that the participants will take longer time to identify color for incongruent color words (Sheet C) compared to color shapes (Sheet A) and color neutral words (Sheet B). Participants who are Chinese speaking will take longer time to identify color for Chinese-incongruent color words (Sheet E) compared to those non-Chinese speaking. Participants will take longer time to identify color for color related words (Sheet D) compared to color neutral words (Sheet B). (505 words) Method Participants 248 participants were randomly selected from college mates, relatives, friends and acquaintances that were recruited by the researcher. The participants are aged between 16-50 years old. In addition, half of the participants are Chinese speaking and another half are non-Chinese speaking. The participants should not be color blind and must be literate in English. Materials Construct 5 test sheets and a practice sheet of A4 paper. Color pencils or color markers are to be used for the 5 test sheets and practice sheet. A timer is used to record the duration of the experiment. Procedure Before the experiment starts, the researcher has chosen a suitable location where the participants can be seated with minimal distractions. Participants are also given a consent form to sign. Each consent form contains the participant’s signature and the date they did the experiment. Next, the instructions and the experimental conditions were explained to the participants by the researcher. The 5 pages of test sheet with objects or words that are written in different colors were not shown to the participants. The participants were required to name aloud the color of the objects or words as fast as they can. However, if the participants named it wrongly, they are alerted by the researcher and required to repeat the color of the object or word again. After that, the researcher showed the participants the practice sheet that consist one example from the 5 test sheets to make sure that they understand the instructions. Otherwise, the researcher will repeat the explanation to them until they get to understand it. Then, show them the 5 test sheets which are Sheet A, B, C, D and E one at a time. Meanwhile, the time that the participants took to complete the task was tabulated by the researcher. (295 words) Results According to the experiments, most of the participants who are Chinese speaking react faster than the participants who are non-Chinese speaking. The table below is regarding to complete color naming task which is sheet A,B,C,D and E are round shape, color neutral words, incongruent color words, color-related words and Chinese incongruent color words. Table 1 show that the participants who are Chinese speaking take a longer time to finish test sheet E which is Chinese incongruent color words than those who are non-Chinese speaking. In contrast, the participants who are Chinese speaking spent significantly less time on the color naming task than the participants who are non-Chinese speaking. Overall, my hypothesis was that the participants will take longer to identify Sheet C compared to Sheet A and B. Chinese speaking participants will spent longer time to identify Sheet E compared to those non-Chinese speaking. Participants will take longer time to identify Sheet D compared to Sheet B. My results do support my hypotheses. Table 1. Time Taken (In Seconds) to Complete Color Naming Task Figure 1. Time taken (In Seconds) to Complete Color Naming Task (163words) Discussion The result showed a significant effect of the participants in completing color naming task were found in this study that the participants who are Chinese speaking take a longer time to finish test sheet E which is Chinese incongruent color words than those who are non-Chinese speaking. In contrast, the participants who are Chinese speaking spent significantly less time on the color naming task than the participants who are non-Chinese speaking. This result is in line with previous research and it supports my hypotheses of this study. In the past research they do not have Chinese incongruent color words and the participants who are Chinese speaking. According to the past research, the findings of Stroop (1935) studied that the speed in naming ink color are affected by nature of stimulus. Morton (1969) also concluded that word reading is faster and therefore interferes with color naming in the race for verbal output. Dalrymple-Alford concluded that the results are more interference for color related words. References Dalrymple-Alford,E.C. (1972). Sound similarity and color word interference in the stroop  task. Psychonomic Science, 28, 209-210. Ami, E. (2012), Independent race of color and word can predict the stroop effect. Australian  Journal Of Psychology, 64 , 189-198. Karthikeyan, P. , Murugappan, M. Yaacob, S. (2014). Analysis of Stroop Color Word Test-Based Human StressDetection using Electrocardiography ad Heart Rate Variability Signals. Arabian Journal for Science Engineering (Springer Science Buisness Media B.V.), 39, 1835-1847 Morton, J. (1969). Categories of interference: Verbal mediation and conflict in card sorting. British Journal of Psychology, 60, 329-346. Shiffrin, R.M. Schneider, W. (1977). Controled and automatic human processing: II. Perceptual learning, automatic attending and a general theory. Psychology Review, 84, 127-190. Stroop, J. R. (1935). Studies in interference in serial verbal reactions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 18, 643-662.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Essay --

There are several pollutants present in municipal wastewater, including oxygen- demanding substances, pathogen, inorganic and synthetic organic chemicals, and nutrient. Dissolved oxygen in water is necessary to support aquatic life, consumed by aerobic bacteria and other aquatic organisms for living purpose. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the amount of oxygen that would be consumed if all the organics in water were oxidized by bacteria and protozoa (Interlab Supply, 2010). Microorganisms will break down the organic matter by consuming the dissolved oxygen present in the wastewater and BOD is normally used to measure the performance of sewage treatment plant. (United States Environmental Protection Agency, 2004) The wastewater effluent produced by the treatment plant has a high content of organic pollutants such as ammonia which will demand more oxygen. These substances destroyed and converted to other compounds by bacteria when the water has sufficient oxygen. Large amount of bacterium that widely spread in wastewater is also known as pathogens and hazardous to our health while waste products in wastewater are most often liquid or solids and they can be biological, chemical or radioactive dangerous. Apart from having adverse health involvements, wastewater contamination can also have natural and ecological affects, including the degradation of ecosystems which include decreasing of aquatic plants that help to preserve the condition of waterways or biodiversity loss. For example, loss of aquatic life likes fish and crustaceans that are an important part of both animal and human diet. Disinfection of wastewater and chlorination of drinking water supplies manage to reduce the occurrence of waterborne diseases such as typhoid fev... ...sociated with screenings. However, comminutors and grinders can also create problems for downstream processes, such as increasing plastics build up in digestion tanks or rag accumulation on air diffusers. In addition, solids from comminutors and grinders will not decompose during the digestion process. If these synthetic solids are not removed, they may cause biosolids to be rejected for reuse as a soil amendment. Large amounts of grit and sand entering a treatment plant can cause a serious operating problem that is needed for treatment. Grit includes sand, gravel, cinder, or other heavy solid materials that are â€Å"heavier† than the organic biodegradable solids in the wastewater. Removal of grit prevents unnecessary abrasion and wear of mechanical equipment, grit deposition in pipelines and channels, and accumulation of grit in anaerobic digesters and aeration basins.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Deviance :: essays research papers fc


Sunday, August 18, 2019

Strength of the Human Spirit Revealed by Ivan Denisovich Essay

Strength of the Human Spirit Revealed in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich    Life can be incredibly hard at times; nearly everyone encounters a period of time when circumstances become unbearably difficult. Imagine being assigned to ten years of unceasing and tremendous hardships, as is the plight of the protagonist in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn. This book describes in detail only one day of Ivan's ten-year sentence in a Russian work camp in the 1950's. During this day, which is like most others, he is starved, nearly frozen, overworked, and punished unjustly; however, as the day unfolds, it is obvious that Ivan will never give up and never give in. The character of Ivan Denisovich is a symbol of the human spirit and its never-ending will to survive, even through the harshest of conditions.    Ivan's day begins with reveille at 5:00, "as always" (significant because this day is just like every other day has been for the past eight years). On most mornings after reveille, he jumps out of bed to have a little time to himself, but today he is not feeling well and rises slowly. Usually, there are many things he could do during this time before the morning roll call: sweep up, carry something for someone, fetch the boots of the gang boss, gather and stack bowls at the mess hall, any number of little jobs.    On the surface, Ivan's actions look noble and kindhearted, as if the well being of others is his main concern. But like most kind gestures, there is an entirely different motive; for Ivan, it is just "another way of getting food"(2). He, like most people in a difficult situation, performs favors and tasks, not out of the goodness of his heart, but only out of his desir... ... Max Hayward, in his introduction to _One Day In the Life of Ivan Denisovich _, says the book "is a morality play in which the carpenter Ivan Denisovich Shukhov is Everyman" (xv). There are exceptions to the representation; Ivan is not a flat character, void of depth and definition, but through these examples, it is obvious that much of the time, Ivan Denisovich reflects the average human spirit and the way in which it reacts to difficult situations. Of course, the average human spirit does not endure the hardships presented in a Soviet work camp, but all hardships are related in their ability to destroy their victims or to strengthen them. In this case, Ivan is the spirit who is strengthened, the victim who will never give up, and never give in.    Bibliography Solzhenitsyn, Alexander. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. New York: Bantam Books, 1963.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Psychology and Social Support Essay

Marriage these days does not seem to last very long. Two months after his wedding, your friend Tom confides in you that he’s unhappy in his marriage. He tells you that he and his wife seem to be fighting all the time, and nothing seems to get resolved. He tends to be very high-strung anyway(His friends call him â€Å"Type-A Tom†) and now he feels like the stress of the constant bickering is affecting every aspect of his life, including his health. Since you’re in a Psychology class, he asks you for your thoughts on the chances of his marriage surviving and your advice about what he can do about his stress. Based on what you’ve read (either in the assigned readings in this module or your own Internet research), you answer his questions by addressing 10 factors that may be related to his situation. Briefly discuss each of these factors (and how it may relate to Tom’s predicament) in a 5-7 page essay. The Factors are: Predictability of the stressor. In psychology, stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. Symptoms may include a sense of being overwhelmed, feelings of anxiety, overall irritability, insecurity, nervousness, social withdrawal, loss of appetite, depression, panic attacks, exhaustion, high or low blood pressure, skin eruptions or rashes, insomnia, lack of sexual desire (sexual dysfunction), migraine, gastrointestinal difficulties (constipation or diarrhea), and for women, menstrual symptoms. It may also cause more serious conditions such as heart problems. Also, experimental research which has been performed on animals, also displayed results relating to stress and negative effects on the body. It has been shown that stress contributes to the initiation and development of specific tumors within the body. A stressor is any event, experience, or environmental stimulus that causes stress in an individual.[22] These events or experiences are perceived as threats or challenges to the individual and can be either physical or psychological. Researchers have found that stressors can make individuals more prone to both physical and psychological problems, including heart disease and anxiety.[23] Stressors are more likely to affect an individual’s health when they are â€Å"chronic, highly disruptive, or perceived as uncontrollable†.[23] In psychology, researchers generally classify the different types of stressors into four categories: 1) crises/catastrophes, 2) major life events, 3) daily hassles/microstressors, and 4) ambient stressors. Social support (human relationships) Social support is the perception and actuality that one is cared for, has assistance available from other people, and that one is part of a supportive social network. These supportive resources can be emotional (e.g., nurturance), tangible (e.g., financial assistance), informational (e.g., advice), or companionship (e.g., sense of belonging). Social support can be measured as the perception that one has assistance available, the actual received assistance, or the degree to which a person is integrated in a social network. Support can come from many sources, such as family, friends, pets, organizations, coworkers, etc. Government provided social support is often referred to as Public aid.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Bandura’s cognitive theory Essay

Introduction There are many approaches to the psychological treatment of mental disorders. While some therapists identify with particular orientation, others are more non-specific, trying various perspectives in their attempts to offer psychological treatment. Psychological treatment is based cognitive therapy, which seeks to change the way in which people think about various things and aspects of life, particularly depression. It is along this line that an American psychiatrist, Aaron Beck, formulated a theory to help in cognitive therapy. Beck’s cognitive theory serves as a basis for the treatment of anxiety and depression by addressing the causative agents of the abnormalities (Beck, 1976). Beck noted that psychological patients have the capability to tune into their internal â€Å"talk† or â€Å"dialogue† in order to alter non conducive thinking patterns. In this way, Beck noted that patients have the ability to change their thinking and therefore solve their personal problems (Beck, 1979). The distinctive feature of Beck’s cognitive theory is the presentation of the factors that affect people’s attitude, and which play an important role in contributing to or eliminating depression among individuals. Beck identified three factors- the self (cognizance of thoughts), the world or environment (which affects behavior) and the future or antecedent events as the factors that impact largely on a human beings cognitive ability and mental well-being. The three factors constitute the Beck’s cognitive triad (Beck 1976). The triad represents the types of negative depression and therefore forms part of Beck’s Cognitive Theory of Depression (Beck 1976). Beck’s cognitive theory articulates the manner in which cognitive processes are perceived in psychopathology and in provision of effective psychotherapy. Although the â€Å"biopsychosocial† (integration of biological and psychological mechanisms in solving problems) framework is used in perceiving the complexity of the human mental system, the focus of Beck’s cognitive theory is mainly on elements of psychopathology and psychotherapy. According to Beck’s cognitive theory, the essence of a disorder in a human being’s personality is portrayed in the dysfunctional opinions that characterize it and sustain its existence (Beck, 1979). Along this line, investigations that were done in the past on the association between dysfunctional cognitions and disorders in personality generally support the model of Beck’s cognitive theory (Beck, 1979). Beck’s cognitive theory of depression delineates the characteristics of ideas, which when activated or aroused in irresponsible ways, are maladaptive, or a source of mental dysfunction. Effective cognitive conceptualization would serve to correct such anomalies (Beck, 1979). Beck’s theory has a number of strengths in that among other points, it highlights that depressed people evaluate themselves in biased ways and that negative thinking of participants in research may deter the collection of accurate results in any research. On the other hand, the weaknesses include the inability of the theory to address cognitive biases and the fact that negative thinking could as well have contributed to the generalization of the theory. This paper evaluates the critical aspects of Beck’s theory and discusses the salient features of the model. In addition and evaluation of the theory’s strengths and weaknesses is given based on evaluation of the theory and models used.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Psychology Lifespan Essay

Ellen DeGeneres never thought that announcing she was a lesbian would have been a big deal. She knew then that what she was doing would caused questions and controversy but not in a way where she would be considered the poster child for the Gay Community. The way Ellen came out to the world was a bigger shock to her than it was to her audience. This is when Ellen realized that she changed more than her own life coming out. Her fan base got bigger and her life opened up for the greater good. She felt like coming out should not change what she would be doing for humanity. On Ellen’s 50th birthday, she decided to raise money and get notice to her hometown, New Orleans, Louisiana, some help for the August 2005 Hurricane Katrina. This storm was one of the most deadly storms in United States history. During the storm the federal flood protection system failed and the levee broke, flooding 80% of the city and surrounding cities for weeks. Since Ellen had connections with many other celebrities, she used those connections to get help for her city. Brad Pitt was one of the celebrities that had a foundation going for rebuilding homes in New Orleans. With the help of Ellen putting out the foundation through her television show, Brad was able to get 150 homes built. She showed her passion for helping out when she told the world why this fundraiser was important to her. She shows that the place she looked at as home and helped made her who she was Ellen DeGeneres has been an inspiration to people for the past twelve years. Ellen’s life had just begun. Ellen DeGeneres came into the world January 26, 1956 in Jefferson, Louisiana at the Oschner Foundation Hospital. In the book, Love, Ellen: A Mother/Daughters Journey (1999), Betty Degeneres, Ellen’s mother, said that she was a miracle. Ellen’s father didn’t want anymore chidren after her brother was born, four years earlier. He thought that one child was sufficient enough. But Betty was determined to convince him that they should try again for another child. According to Lisa Iannucci (2009) Ellen was just a normal child, she played with her sibling and played outside like any other child would do at that age. She was a tomboy that wore fancy dresses and played with Barbie dolls. She once had dreams of becoming a naturalist or zoologist. She had a love and passion for animals and wanted to later join the Peace Corps to study the apes in Africa. Growing up Ellen had a fascination for great comedians such as Jack Benny, George Gorbel, and the comedy team Bob and Ray. Watching these comics entertain crowds was a little informal training of Ellen’s career in the later years. Ellen discovered the benefits of comedy when her mother divorced her dad. Her mother had been so down and depressed that Ellen knew she could cheer her up with a laugh. Ellen used this same comedic value to get through the very tough times in her life. When Ellen was sixteen she started partying, becoming rebellious, and hanging out with the wrong crowds. In her small town of Metairie, she would drink beer with her friends and stay out all night. This was her reaction to her mother getting remarried in 1974 to a salesman. Her mother wanted to remove her from the city, so the salesman got a new job in Atlanta, Texas. The DeGeneres family packed up and moved to Atlanta. While in Texas, Ellen started to fit into her new life there. Ellen started dating her first boyfriend, Ben Heath. Her brother Vance was in a band in high school and was receiving a lot of attention. Ellen wanted some of this attention that her brother was getting and was starting to have dreams of becoming famous. Ellen craved for people to like her, she wanted to try to find a way to become famous so people would like her and want to be her friend. Ellen’s family looked like the perfect family from the outside, but something dark and eerie was going on inside. Behind close doors the salesman was crude and bossy and Ellen did not like who he was. During this time Ellen’s mother found out that she had breast cancer. She ended up having a mastectomy and had to do physical therapy and rehabilitation. Betty tried to hide her cancer from Ellen but she needed Ellen’s help to recover. This is when Ellen and her mother became close. During this time of recovery, the salesman molested Ellen. She didn’t want to get her mother upset so she didn’t mention it to her, while she was recovering. When her stepfather tried to molester again, she ran away to a friend’s house. Ellen left Atlanta, Texas and move back to Louisiana with her father after she graduated high school. Once Ellen moved to Louisiana, she enrolled into the University of New Orleans, to major in Communications. Ellen soon found out that college wasn’t for her and dropped out after one semester. Ellen started to search for a career since college didn’t go as planned. During this time of finding a career, Ellen was also finding herself. She was holding another secret about her sexuality from family and friends. She was starting to feel confused about her sexuality. This could have been a result of the nuture factor. Her homosexuality could have been triggered from her stepfather molesting her. Nurture refers to the childhood and how an individual grew up (MacKinnon, 1962). She liked boys in the beginning; she had some boyfriends in the past, but she was never really attracted to men. Once Ellen figured out what sexual orientation that she was, she started dating women but still haven’t broke the news to her family. She decided to tell her mom one day while they were walking along the beach. She started to cry, not because she was afraid, but because she was now free of this secret that she was holding. Her mom embraced her and accepted Ellen’s fate. During this time that Ellen came out about her sexuality, it was forbidden doing those times. In the 1950s consensual gay sex was a felony. The gay communities were trying to fight for rights in the 1960s but were still getting tortured and shunned. Betty started to be afraid for Ellen. Being homosexual was considered to be a mental health disorder by the psychiatric community. The National Gay Task Force Foundation was founded in 1973, in New York, and worked to change the American Psychiatric Association’s grouping of homosexuality as a mental heath problem. Ellen’s brother accepted the news well, but Ellen’s father did take it very well. He later kicked Ellen out of the house, thinking that she would influence her stepsiblings. He later helped her get an apartment and admitted that he regretted what he did to her. Ellen acquired many jobs; she sold clothes, was a bartender, washed cars, shucked oysters, and wrapped gifts. Just like she knew that college wasn’t for her, these jobs weren’t satisfying her neither, she was hungry to do something more. She now knew that she wanted to make people laugh for the rest of her life. She began performing at a few small venues in New Orleans. Her routines were different than other comedians of her time such as, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, and Richard Pryor. The difference between them and her was he bits didn’t have vulgarity and sexual references. Ellen joked about her everyday life and experiences. She did this to relate to her audiences. Ellen started to take off in her career. She started competing in comedy competition where she placed first in the â€Å"Funniest Person in America† competition. She later went to open for a few acts in Las Vegas where the producer from â€Å"The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson† was there and asked her to come on the show. Once she performed on the Tonight Show, this put her career in overdrive and she became a superstar. She became the first female comedic to seat on the big couch on the Tonight Show. She ended up coming back on six more times in two years. She later got a minor role on Open House in 1989. It was a spin-off of the fox show Duet. She then went and filmed her first HBO special Young Comedian Reunion, in 1986. Two years later she appeared in HBO’s Women of the Night. She got a small role in the movie The Coneheads, and got her own sitcom on ABC called These Friends of Mine. Ellen revealed her true sexual preference in Time magazine April 1997 issue. In this issue she talked about her life as a gay woman and hiding who she was in the comedian community. She made her character on her television show Ellen also comes out of the closet. This caused some controversy for the Christian religion organizations. She made her first appearance publicly with her sexuality at the White House Correspondents Dinner with actress Anne Heche on her arm. In 1998 Ellen honored at the 9th Annual GLAAD Media Awards with the Stephen F. Kolzak Award. Ellen now was fighting for her lesbian life on and off the television. Her mother started to become an advocate to her daughter’s lifestyle. Betty started volunteering at the Human Rights Campaign. Her mother became the first nongay national spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign. She was helping to encourage and assist gay people in coming out and living honestly. Her mother also became an active member of Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). In 2003 Ellen started her own daytime television talk show called The Ellen Degeneres Show. People were afraid that Ellen would just bring up gay themes through out the show and didn’t want it to go on air. Once people got over the fact that Ellen was gay, her show started to skyrocket on television ratings. It was the television show that Ellen had always wanted. She could make people laugh and every loved her. In season two the show won five daytime Emmys. In 2005 Ellen won a Grammy for having the best comedy album for the audio portion of her book. She also won some awards at the People’s Choice Awards. While her show was getting good ratings, she met her current wife, Portia de Rossi. She met Portia at a photo shoot in 2004. Ellen and Portia quickly fell in love. They both ended their current relationships and started dating in 2005. They went on to get married in 2008 after California passed the Same-Sex Marriage Act. With all of Ellen’s life decisions, it had to do with her social and emotional development. She was always able to make transitions from one activity to another. Her ability to start a new when it came to her many careers before she found the right one was an example of her social/emotional development (Roeser, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2000). She showed cooperation with others when she was getting ridiculed for her coming out, but she stayed humbled and didn’t let it get to her (Webb, 1994).

The Role of Technology in Quality Education

THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN QUALITY EDUCATION Dr. R. Sivakumar Assistant Professor Department of Education Annamalai University Introduction Quality education is a universal goal. It is common to hear arguments that instructional technology will be the key to educational quality as we enter the new millennium. Investment in educational technology is urged upon policy-makers as the path to educational quality.In fact, enthusiasts for educational technology argue that quality has and will continue to increase rapidly, creating a â€Å"new educational culture† Whatever problems exist are seen as ones which can be handled through better administrative and technological planning – that is, technology believers perceive no intrinsic obstacles to total quality assurance using information technology in higher education. Other voices question educational technology as a panacea.The problems associated with technology in the college classroom in terms of issues such as poorly funct ioning equipment, over-promotion of technology-based learning to students, and lack of quality in courses delivered by technology. Educational technology who say students choosing online courses are not getting the education they pay for, and question whether universities should be providing such instruction.The American Federation of Teachers and other faculty organizations have also raised serious cautions about web-based education and have even gone on strike over it. Technology in Quality Education In response to growing criticism of the recent, rapid, unregulated growth of distance education, a number of recognized higher education organizations have formulated quality standards and guidelines. The principles have been endorsed by a number of higher education governing and policymaking bodies in the world, as well as by the regional accrediting community.The core assumption of these guidelines is that, â€Å"The institution's programs holding specialized accreditation meet the same requirements when offered electronically. † Since these guidelines are a widely-accepted definition of â€Å"quality† as applied to online education, they are quoted below: * Each program of study results in learning outcomes appropriate to the rigor and breadth of the degree or certificate awarded. * An electronically offered degree or certificate program is coherent and complete. The program provides for appropriate real-time or delayed interaction between faculty and students and among students. * Qualified faculty provides appropriate oversight of the program electronically offered. * The program is consistent with the institution's role and mission. * Review and approval processes ensure the appropriateness of the technology being used to meet the program's objectives. * The program provides faculty support services specifically related to teaching via an electronic system. The program provides training for faculty who teach via the use of technology. * The p rogram ensures that appropriate learning resources are available to students. * The program provides students with clear, complete, and timely information on the curriculum, course and degree requirements, nature of faculty/student interaction, assumptions about technological competence and skills, technical equipment requirements, availability of academic support services and financial aid resources, and costs and payment policies. Enrolled students have reasonable and adequate access to the range of student services appropriate to support their learning. * Accepted students have the background, knowledge, and technical skills needed to undertake the program. * Advertising, recruiting, and admissions materials clearly and accurately represent the program and the services available. * Policies for faculty evaluation include appropriate consideration of teaching and scholarly activities related to electronically offered programs. The institution demonstrates a commitment to ongoing s upport, both financial and technical, and to continuation of the program for a period sufficient to enable students to complete a degree/certificate. * The institution evaluates the program's educational effectiveness, including assessments of student learning outcomes, student retention, and student and faculty satisfaction. Students have access to such program evaluation data. * The institution provides for assessment and documentation of student achievement in each course and at completion of the program.Empowerment in Online Education Technology enthusiasts believe online methods will liberate learning from the confines of the lecture hall, but it can be difficult to reconcile distance education with empowerment of students and faculty. One common tactic where empowerment is a goal of distance education at all is to keep guidelines-from-on-high to a minimum and to rely on local autonomy. Recent position, quality assurance in distance education, however, have noted with dismay th e drift toward standards imposed from above. Remote learning† would simply lead to students staying at home in front of computer keyboards instead of being taught in a school environment. â€Å"This is way out of touch with the expectations of parents who want their children to develop both socially with other students and educationally under the guidance of qualified teachers†. Online Education and Community The â€Å"community of scholars† was central to the traditional concept of higher education.The thrust of online education advocacy is to broaden the concept of community in non-traditional ways, particularly through partnership with or even contracting out to the business community. Educational institutions in all advanced countries encounter strong incentives for private sector partnering since the high costs of multimedia-rich online curricula are often beyond what a single local college can afford. In the traditional â€Å"community of scholars† t he student was mentored as an apprentice and eventually became a co-investigator in research and creative activity.Advocates of online education argue that this notion of academic community will be enhanced through the wonders of technology. Online education is frequently the province of the campus adult education unit, not the academic departments. Often instructor participation is an overload, potentially seducing faculty away from research. Administrators seek to use online education â€Å"to increase academic productivity† and, as discussed elsewhere in this essay, seek cost savings in an atmosphere unfavorable to the research function.Moreover, most institutions have found that online education is intrinsically very demanding of valuable faculty time, which can also take away from research. On the student side, the social distance inherent in online education seems to make students want clear, precise, objectives-oriented curricula which may represent a narrowing of educ ation, and may make them unlikely candidates for collegial work on faculty research projects. The reality of online education is that it favors a transition from traditional notions of academic community toward a much narrower, transactions-based model.Online Education and Learning Autonomy Online education faces the paradox that it is best undertaken by students with strong autonomous learning skills, yet at the same time the disconnectedness of students from teachers seems correlated with insistent student demands for clearly structured learning assignments and schedules. Students frequently feel the need for ongoing communication with their instructor. A commonly expressed student need is that for very clearly and explicitly articulated course learning objectives.That is, online pedagogy seems more associated with â€Å"cyber distance† than with â€Å"virtual community,† and students quickly become motivated to seek to overcome cyber distance through increased cours e structure, reducing learning autonomy. Online education is part of a cost reduction effort, requiring human resources to be stretched to cover more credit hours, faculty resignation to the training mentality of outcome-based evaluation is all but assured except, of course, in environments which do not even bother to attempt to enforce quality assurance standards. Online Education and Critical ThinkingOnline education can handle instruction-to-facts more easily; drill-and-practice is the forte of computer methods. Ironically, in contrast, traditional education with its supposedly uncreative lecture hall methods has prided itself in its ability to inculcate critical thinking skills. Distance education administrators are aware that critical thinking of online methods. Therefore it is not unusual to find that quality assurance standards for online education make reference to student thinking skills, independent learning skills, teamwork and communication skills, and other aspects of c ritical thinking.Moreover, intelligent-agent and workgroup collaboration software often are targeted directly at encouraging critical thinking skills. Critical thinking can be inculcated using technology such as cyber mentoring and video theater. A love-hate relationship exists between online education and critical thinking skill development. Writing assignments are thought to help develop critical thinking and while online methods can enhance collaborative writing, in general online courses are associated with less writing, not more.Socratic discussion with faculty is also thought to inculcate critical thinking, but while online methods in theory could enhance discussion, in reality online courses are associated with far less instructor-oriented discussion. Critical thinking is also thought to be associated with problem-solving going beyond computational mechanics to consideration of complex causal and value systems, but while intelligent tutoring software does exist, the open-ende dness of creating problem-solving together with the asynchronous nature of most online education mean that in practice online courses rarely develop the problem-solving approach.Online Education and Educational Quality In comparing computer-mediated distance education with traditional face-to-face teaching experiences, while distance education increases access to education, one may well find decreases in instructional quality brought about by increased faculty workload, problems of adapting to technology, difficulties with online course management, and related obstacles. By focusing on instruction to learning objectives, as with traditional instruction-to-test approaches, test performance standards are usually met by online courses.Although tested output of electronic education is often on a par with conventional teaching, this does not mean educational quality is unaffected however. Many observers find in typical online education offerings a substantial narrowing of the concept of education to the detriment of students. One of the recurring problems of computer-mediated education is that it is programmed around concrete learning objectives. Conclusion Many educational technology writers, in fact, explicitly argue that quality education using computer methods must be built on a foundation of clearly-defined competency-based curricular objectives.Online education is now arousing academic resistance. The emergence of a two-tier educational system – a more expensive upper tier with sound traditional education supplemented with the benefits of full online access, and a cheaper inferior tier dispensing programmed training which meets objectives far narrower than the traditional goals of liberal education. References Barnard, John (1997). The World Wide Web and higher education: The promise of virtual universities and online libraries. Educational Technology, Vol. 37, No. 3 (May-June): 30-35. Special issue: Web-Based Learning. Bergeron, Bryan P. (1996).Compet ency as a paradigm for technology-enabled instruction and evaluation, Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, 10(2): 22-24. Hillesheim, Gwen (1998). The search for quality standards in distance learning, In Distance Learning '98, Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Distance Teaching and Learning, (14th, Madison, WI, August 5-7, 1998). Pakkiff, Rena M. and Keith Pratt (1999). Building learning communities in cyberspace: Effective strategies for the online classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Roth, Brenda F. and Denisha Sanders (1996). Instructional technology to enhance teaching. New Directions for Higher Education, 94: 21-32.